Grammy Camp, Grammy Camp, will the fun never cease? Day 2
My wife was up early today. It is the first Monday of the month, and she had to leave for the monthly Quilt Guild Meeting. Luckily, cereal was served before I was in charge. Now some of thee may think this is about the G'girls - well, you may be wrong. It is all about me. Me! Do you hear? Me!
I was up before 8 and walked the path to the boat house in order to fire up my water pump. We water our massive estate with water from the lake. I flip the switch; it delivers. The water ran from 8 till 10. No, we don't have an automatic sprinkler system. I (all about me) have to move water hoses and sprinklers, which I did. Meanwhile the girls had cereal.
One of the things we do is to make an envelope for every day. Inside same envelope is a statement of the project or deed for the day. I have been telling them that our project for today would be picking up rocks in the backyard and digging holes to put them in. But, alas, when Megan opened today's envelope, it said - go to CiCi's - sell aluminum cans - Walmart - tour Corsicana (a real thrill for them) and Tye Dye.
Water is off at 10. Kids are playing alone. Shelby, Kayla, and I have gone into the garage to crush cans and get the plastic sack ready for travel. It is a pretty big sack of cans, all crushed. I slipped into a shower while they played alone - except Megan who was way into her ipod. Way.
Finishing in there, I took the two youngest out back and showed them the two big frogs living in a hole. The frogs do not appreciate our efforts. Of course, a ball had to be thrown for Oscar.
At 11:15 I began rounding up the kids - putting the dogs into the Pit - alum cans in the trunk - strap them down in the car - lock the car - turn on the automatic machine gun and rocket launcher on the garage roof ( see previous bluggy ) - and away we went to town. The first stop was the can place. There is no way to describe the disorder and filth of this place. Junk is piled everywhere and nothing is neatly placed. Friendly? They are so friendly, you'd think they knew how much money you had in the bank since you won the last lottery or thought they knew. It was a breeze though. 15 lbs of cans (interestingly showed exactly 15 lbs, no ounces). Pays 70 cents a lb. Not bad really. The $10.50 went into the hands of the girls for later. A pretty nice benefit for visiting granddaughters.
Next a short trip to the bank for a deposit and withdrawal. I had a certain large bill that I wanted in the bank. Bank of America has an ATM which sucks in cash. While I waited in line, I struck up a conversation with this nice lady - the fact she is black has no bearing on anything other than it will give you something to visualize. A lose fitting blue top, almost but not a scrub, tan pants and white tennis type shoes that virtually sparkled white in the sunshine. Those tennies had been scrubbed perfectly. This lady was in her 40s probably.
She & I talked about the heat - now hang on, this next part is good - We have had about 30 days of 100+ weather in a row. This puts 2011 in the record book at #2 place. If there has ever been a cliche about hot weather, she & I spurted it out. Finally I said, " I know it is hot; but, I am old enough to remember it being like this before." (I was remember #1 year). She turns and says without hesitation. " I know, the depression was very very hot."
The drpression. The depression.
That over I received a text that the wife was waiting at CiCi's. Off we flew - like a Marauder in the wind....(nice verbal touch, wouldn't you say?) CiCi's was okay. Someday I'll talk about the local store. When the young girl counted us, she missed Shelby who was checking out the trays. We were not charged. the girl then said, "Oh is she with you?" I whipped out the billfold, but another CiCi leader said, "nevermind, enjoy your lunch." We did.
Next stop was Walmart. Then, it was home.
Back at home the girls finished making their baloon flip-flops...naps were addressed....dogs were greeted....TVs turned on ..... Whe the wife awoke, the girls put on their flippity floppities, and photos were made of colorful toes. I have a somewhat good SLR camera which I allowed each girl to use. All 3 started doing poses for photos - while the others pulled the trigger. This may have been how Seventeen Magazine got their start.
A couple hours passed and it was time to make Tye Dye shirts. It may be hard to believe - at my deppression age - I have never been involved in Tye Dying. The final products are still in the process - tomorrow will be the unveiling.
Supper was Nachos (Megan said, "with meat?") Yes, with meat. More yard watering, more TV, dogs, etc. Bath time. My wife found bubblebath at Walmart - so you just know that baths were fun. One advantage of being he grand FATHER, I CANNOT assist with bath time.
I must remember to write about the Clown Room in our house next time. Not now. It is my bedtime. Remember, as I close, it is still all about me. See ya tomorrow for Day #3.
A "STONE" is a family word for a personal story or thought, not quite an essay or short story. We moved to central Texas to be near a daughter. We are down to only one wirehair dachshund - Sadie. (Goodbye in 2021 to Oscar the ball boy and Bruno the larger twin) & my wife -- penned by a retired Texas H.S. band director - just nonsense thoughts unrelated to each other or anything other than what's happening and comments.
I had 'Grammy Camp' earlier in the year, before the knee surgery. We didn't do craft projects. With a 16 yr. old girl. a 16 yr. old boy and an 8 yr. old girl, balloon flippity flops are pretty much out...;) Sounds like you are having a grand time. It is, after all, all about YOU!