Saturday, February 15, 2025

VAL PART DEAUX - a quicky

 Talking about St. Val's yesterday.  Left this out.

Temple paper sold 2 " adv for people to send Valentine's to loved ones via the paper.  Apparently they were able to sell about 16 nice advertisements.  A couple were from people lamenting a spouse who had died.  And so forth.

My two favorites:

One was from 5 dogs and 1 cat to their "mama"  Guardian Angel Mrs. Fran Rodriquez in Moody, Tx.  That lady has one cute collection of cats and dogs.  I'm betting someone else planted the adv.

The 2nd was from a mommy to her 2 dachshunds:    Jethro Coal & Dachs River.   Jethro Coal is a black doxie.  Really  precious of course.

this was a quickie.


Friday, February 14, 2025


 Happy St. Valentine's day to all, young and old and in-between.

Took wife to eat at Dynasty Chinese Restaurant today.  It was a nice meal.  Lots of seafood for me and lots of chocolate deserts - oops, make that chocolate desserts.  To top it off, we visited Buccees, the post office, and the bank...even topped off my gas tank.  This is what St. Valentine's Day is all about.

Our Humor:  Dynasty Chinese.   In the car we call it  Dy -- NASTY.   Of course it is not a bit nasty.  That's not the point.  You take a good word and mess with it.   If it were nasty, we would NOT go there so often.

Now, take that Chinese buffet restaurant in Killeen.  2 stories follow.   Look it up on the web.  There are several photos of roaches climbing the wall etc.  I've never seen the roaches, but look it up.

and, this Chinese restaurant was robbed last week.  At night, someone broke in and took all the cash out of the register.  Then, they rolled the safe out the back door and took it.  The owner, later lamenting the theft, said he had $60,000 in the safe.  They were hoping to get some back via insurance.   $60K == EXCLAMATION POINT!  He said it was there because the next day was payday.  Let's suppose he pays once a month.  A $60,000 cash salary for "how many people?"   I'm rolling my eyes a bit.  Pay your people in cash, too.  This just sounds screwy to me.  Wonder if the government is getting their share?  I don't know nuthin.  I'm just supposin.  The owner hinted that he thought it was an inside job.  Really?  I do feel sorry for anyone losing that much money.  But, something sounds off.  No news reports on it during the past week.

And, just for the record:  I have begun to work on my IRS taxes for 2024.  Hopefully, I'll finish before the deadline.  I use a CPA in Corsicana to figure it for me.  Sharon Mahoney, CPA.  She does a great job and is timely.  And, the government leaves me alone when she is finished. 

Now if you are a crook and are going to try to use this tidbit of information to steal from me, don't waste your time.  IF, and I say IF, there is a refund, it won't be enough to buy a Whataburger and certainly not enough to go to DY-Nasty.  You're a dreamer if you think differently.

I may be old.  And I am.  But retired teachers have no money.  We struggle to get by for the month-to-month.  I can guarantee.

Finally, I know someone who had a birthday this month on the 5th of February.  Think about it.  If you were born on the 5th, your birthday would be  ***  2-5-25  ***  What a great birthdate.




Tuesday, January 28, 2025

blood pressure - exercise - and other potpourri (or pot pouring)

 potpourri   - I always thought it was pot pourri with the space.  Spell check disagrees.  I don't doubt.  Some Chinese AI guy might lop off my head.

-------- blood pressure -------------

I have asked this questions over and over.  I have never gotten a straight answer - just some casual "don't worry about it;  you're fine" answer.  I really wanted to know.  I'd bet few of my readers (wherever and whenever and whoever they are) have rarely heard an answer worthy of an Academy award.   Here it is.

I read the Temple paper in the morning.  I'm pretty thorough usually.  I end by reading the funnies and doing the sudoko.  It is a process.  Then, the papers are piled in a basket for my #2 daughter who takes them monthly to line the cages of her rabbits.  A great "final" solution.

In an article this morning by Lauran Neergaard, I read about a guy who has blood pressure problems.  They tell me:  "don't worry about it;  you're fine."  So, I suppose I am.  I can usually count on a little less than 120 over 80   (120/80).  Her article actually briefly explained the numbers.  Have you ever heard an explanation?  I am going to quote her now:

"Two numbers describe blood pressure.  The top, "systolic" pressure is the force blood puts on the walls of arteries as its pumped out of the heart.  The bottom "diastolic" number measures that same pressure but between heartbeats."   How about that?  Was that so hard to explain?  Nobody has even tried to do that for me.  I've asked.  But, let's continue:

"Normal is less than 120 over 80.  Blood pressure naturally fluctuates throughout the day, higher when you're physically active or stressed.  but when it stays high -- consistently 130 over 80 or higher, according to most recent guidelines -- it stiffens arteries and makes the heart work harder."  So there you go.  Now, I know.  It makes no difference in what I do; but, now I know.  I bet I could have found this on google.  

The article continues to explain how to take blood pressure and so forth - describing when medicine is appropriate.    "Medicine is a must once hypertension reaches 140/90."   See - I betcha regular ole doctors and nurses never thought about creating a one page sheet with this type of info on it.  It should be on light blue paper - save yellow paper for urinary explanations.  I am saving this article in my file of 'never re-read' articles that I've been saving for decades in a small box under the bed.  

On the same page ------- exercise---------

of the Temple paper was a too long article about how to exercise when you get old (me) to help you strengthen  you sense of good balance.  Several simple exercises  Ask me in the comment section and I'll quote from that article.   Moving on.


My wife has a new Indian name since she broke her pinky finger:  Princess Crooked Paw.

I was driving to Lubbock one time.  After passing Cisco ( a lovely squirrely town ) I noticed the Interstate had a mile maker:   316   From that day forwarded (not being the most religious person in my family) I envisioned some local church sneaking out and attaching the word  JOHN to that marker.  It would read  JOHN 316.  A small piece of wood painted with holes drilled - then bolted to the top of the marker. Do it in the middle of the night when no Hwy Patrol will arrest you.  Think how many 316 mile markers there are in the Continental USA.  Sure, some stupid kid will get killed in the traffic.  Interstates are not the safest places to walk.    Perhaps there is another Bible quote Deuter../.Duteromi/ Duetterom ... never mind - go to the Book of Mark - that's easier to spell.

Last thing:   SWMBO    I had an Uncle Bob (Robert Lee Metz).  One of his common comments was  SWMBO.  This is how he talked about his wife Ruth.    She Who Must Be Obeyed.   Thought that was funny.  My wife now has a T-shirt with that imprinted.  More on Uncle Bob later.


Sunday, January 26, 2025


 I did not have a storied career in education.  My name is not up on any building or football field.  Alumni groups do not call and beg me to attend their 25th graduation festivals.  Nobody really remembers me in the band business unless I taught them.  Even at that, most have moved on to have a life without me.  And, that is the way it should be.  Anyone still obsessed with his high school band director after 25 plus years must be a bit deranged.

I know when I left high school, I never went back to visit with my h.s. band director - or choir director for that matter.   I did sing in the choir at my choir (Mr. Benningfield) director's funeral.  All of Metze boys just happened to be in town, so we joined the Methodist choir for that occasion.  It was nice I suppose.  My mother sure did like it; but, she could be easy to please when it came to her 4 boys.

There were a few things that were certainly fun & perhaps noteworthy (to coin a phrase by a musician).  I cannot remember the year or other names or much detail ... and I believe I've mentioned this one before.  I was hired to play trumpet at a dance.  I think it was in Hobbs, NM - but it may have been in Clovis.  If Hobbs had a military base in the early 60's, that was it.  It was a big dance band - sightread the songs - fun - good Lubbock musicians throughout the band.  The driver had one of those giant Cadillacs from the 60s with bench seats.

I rode in the front in the middle - happens when you are one of the youngest.  I think brother Jim played trombone that night.  The driver was a big guy.  I cannot remember his name.  Played bass fiddle.  He was very well know in the Lubbock jazz music scene.  I think he carried his bass in the trunk of that massive Cad.  I know, we use to carry a bass fiddle in the trunk of my 1963 Pontiac.  Big Trunks.  

I was quite impressed with the Cadillac.  Most of all was it's automatic headlight dimmer -- 2 lane roads (another reason to think it was Hobbs) - as we met a car on those lonely nighttime backroads of the Texas Panhandle, the car would automatically dim it's headlights.   I was so jealous that my 56 Chevy didn't have that.

Anyway, the job was a 3 or 4 hour gig.  It was for a military base dance - probably officer's club.  I do feel certain it wasn't the local VFW hall.   We'd play about 50-60 minutes or so; then, we'd take a break.   Out of nowhere came these guys carrying harmonicas - all kinds of harmonicas.  They were THE HARMONICATS.  I had seen them on the Ed Sullivan show several times.  They were a fun group.  I'd have to say that our "breaks" that night were more fun than most.  That's all I can remember about the night.  You can look the Harmonicats up online.  They sold over a million copies of "Peg of my Heart."   I always say that I played backup for the Harmonicats.  That wasn't really true.  Still, that is what I said.


FYI - JUST asked Google who was the short guy  who played with the Harmonicats.  Turns out I was a bit wrong.  Johnny Puleo (look him up).  Dwarf.  Look him up and learn a bit of history about harmonica groups of the 50s and 60s.  He also appeared in the 1956 movie Trapeze.  I still intend to say I played backup for the Harmonicats.  When you are 84, you can make up all sorts of things.


Just like when I was in Texas Tech and played in the orchestra, we played back up for Captain Kangaroo one concert.  He never knew I was there.  Still - it was fun.  There was the time the Four Freshmen came to Tech for a concert.  Afterwards - we "special" people got to go back stage and watch as the Freshmen did a little joint concert back stage with 4 guys from the Tech choir department.  That was fun to share.

But, probably one of the most fun things I got to do ------- after I graduated and began teaching, I got a call from my old trumpet teacher, Richard Tolley.  He needed me to come play2nd trumpet with the band for the Barnum & Bailey circus.  Yes, for 3 - 4 performances, I sat on the floor and sightread marches and waltzes while the Barnum & Bailey Circus did it's performance.  I remember being a bit worried at the time because I did not have a musician's union card.  But, nobody else seemed to mind.  Playing for a real circus.   Nobody asked me to quit my real job and join the circus.  Going to clown college was a bit of a stretch for me.

There were probably other things.  They'll come to mind later.  The birth of my 3 children ranks right  up there - but, y'know, that really is a different thing.

see ya, mtz

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

I've still got it

 I'm old.  I have wrinkles where muscles should be.  Black spots and other uglies have taken over my seeable skin.  These spots are not dangerous; just ugly.  I am a male.  All males think (or hope to believe) they are God's gift to the other gender - yes, just for the record, there are only 2 genders.  I am one; girls are the other.  

But since I turned "old," only my wife thinks I'm cute.  And, I'm not sure about that.  It wouldn't matter how many my photos I would display of my younger years, I'm still not a beauty...even then.


My wife was given a gift card to Dairy Queen at Christmas.  Nice.  Monday, we drove south to the town of Jerrell which is the closest DQ to Salado.  Christine (dotter) drove up from Georgetown and met us for the festival.  Good stuff was consumed.

Sitting in a corner booth to my left was a mama, daddy, son, and daughter.  I think the dot was probably about 2 to 3.  Who knows.  Blond.  I just happened to glance in that direction and she peeked around her daddy's head, rolled her eyes, and flashed me a beautiful smile.  I was indeed captivated.  How do you spell mischeavous ?   spell check.  "mischievous"   She had a mischievous smile - a come hither glance - in her purple outfit she was something.    

YessireeBob, I still have it at 84 yrs.  I kept glancing over.  She couldn't keep her eyes off me.

The kicker:

As we left I walked over to the table and said to the mother, "Your daughter has been flirting with me."

She laughed and explained, "She is a He."

YessireeBob, I still have it.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

bang up time

In my previous post - I thought the title about "bile" would attract the weird reader.  Apparently I was wrong.  In the past, my off color titles have shown to have more readers.  I wonder why that is?  

Now this post is not off color or even a hint of it - we'll call this a warning for those who don't want to waste time unless there is some naughty meat available.  Warning.  Warning.  Spoiler Alert.

Might I point out that we have arrived in the year 2025.  In this year I will turn 85.  I don't care what you say; that is getting old.  You may have heard that old people don't feel old in the brain dept.  It's the arms and limbs and back and other physical attributes (not a good word here) that feel off kilter.  About this age you can start saying anything you like and it will be treated kindly.  Old gaffer - talk bad - okay though - he's older than dirt - let's laugh at his mutterings.

I live in a great neighborhood.  In spite of having the title Amity attached, it's not bad.  Nobody really bothers you here.  You can have a big ole shed out back - about any size - nobody cares.  Have 2 or 3 sheds, it's okay.  Don't get the yard mowed weekly, nobody pushes you.  I have weeds.  Boy do I have weeds.  I'm doing what I can to get rid of them  No letters in the mail about weed growth.  [who can afford to hire a company to do weed control?  not a retired teacher, that's for sure.]   

On legal days, we can shoot off fireworks with nary a complaint.  Sure, some are issuing request to limit your noise because of dogs and post-war disorders.  Loud noises seem to affect those two groups more than others.  I can tell you that we have a 3rd group.  It (also) affects little old 84 year old wives that want to go to sleep about 10 p.m.  Consequently, this affects little old 84 year old husbands who want to keep peace with the spouse.

Our neighbors spend WAY too much money on pretty, loud fireworks.  For cheap people like me, they are fun to watch (free).  On every appropriate holiday, the big fireworks start just after dark and continue liberally until after midnight...or as I like to say "Midnight:30."  It is just not one neighbor; it is MANY neighbors.  The people behind us put on quite a show.  Again, it is fun to watch...big ole honking displays.  Neighbors enjoying the evening...have another hot dog and beer..."Hey, Ethel, watch this one!"

Knowing this was in the works for New Years eve, I was able to get my little Sadie out early to do her duty. Then, night began to fall.  All you-know-what broke loose.  Our dogs hid out in certain places - usually close to one of us.  Night fell about 7:30 or so.   The displays never let up.  The noise seemed to echo off the houses and the sheds.  My wife sat up in bed messing with her phone past midnight.  

At midnight:45 I was able to get Sadie out to "Flush" her system.  Even then we (she & I) heard 2 booms.  Sadie wasn't sure she was up for this adventure.  Job finished we went straight to bed.  The wife had the light out and was muttering something about spraying people with a water cannon.  

Daughter Christine's dogs never left her side.  About 2:45 I had to get up for my Necessary.  I asked Sadie if she needed to go out.  Popped right up - dogs forget and forgive easier than humans.  And, Yes, at 2:45, in the middle of her full squat, someone nearby set off a big Boom!   2:45!!! 


👅👹😈😡💩💥😍   REVENGE!!

Oops, slept till 9:30 - forgot.  I hope y'all had a big helping of nice black-eye peas and ham.  Corn bread would have been nice too.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

bile what?

 This is a bit "not me."  Short & sweet.

So, I did my duty on the throne on Monday.  Everything moved right along.  As I cleaned up, I noticed my product  (poop for those who are lost) was green.  Green.  Am I sick?  Why is it green?

Any guesses before I go on?


The 30th was my daughter's 60th birthday.  We had an early family party - cake / presents etc. The party was on Sunday before my visiting family left to drive home in Lubbock & Waxahachie.  It was such a hurried up event, that my daughter even made her own cake - even though I did put candles on it.

Now my daughter had a vision:  Why should a red velvet cake be red.  WELLSIR, it is because you put red cake coloring in it.  But do you have to use red?  Of course not.  The choice is yours.  My dot decided to use Blue cake coloring.  Thus, we had a Blue Velvet Cake with white icing.  It was really pretty.  

I've entered a new era of my diabetes.  At 84, I am going to have small slices of things like birthday cake.  I'm hoping that I am not killing myself.  But, a small slice of blue velvet - if it doesn't cause a sugar problem, maybe it won't hurt.   The family, everyone, had blue cake and a great time.

Have you figured out the answer to my question yet?  

The daughter explains to me that your "bile" is yellow.  Look up bile if you don't know.   That yellow bile mixed with blue cake coloring    =   yes green poop.

She figures we are having Green Velvet Cake for St. Patrick's Day.

That's all for now - more maybe tomorrow - I have been too long away from this missive.
