In my previous post - I thought the title about "bile" would attract the weird reader. Apparently I was wrong. In the past, my off color titles have shown to have more readers. I wonder why that is?
Now this post is not off color or even a hint of it - we'll call this a warning for those who don't want to waste time unless there is some naughty meat available. Warning. Warning. Spoiler Alert.
Might I point out that we have arrived in the year 2025. In this year I will turn 85. I don't care what you say; that is getting old. You may have heard that old people don't feel old in the brain dept. It's the arms and limbs and back and other physical attributes (not a good word here) that feel off kilter. About this age you can start saying anything you like and it will be treated kindly. Old gaffer - talk bad - okay though - he's older than dirt - let's laugh at his mutterings.
I live in a great neighborhood. In spite of having the title Amity attached, it's not bad. Nobody really bothers you here. You can have a big ole shed out back - about any size - nobody cares. Have 2 or 3 sheds, it's okay. Don't get the yard mowed weekly, nobody pushes you. I have weeds. Boy do I have weeds. I'm doing what I can to get rid of them No letters in the mail about weed growth. [who can afford to hire a company to do weed control? not a retired teacher, that's for sure.]
On legal days, we can shoot off fireworks with nary a complaint. Sure, some are issuing request to limit your noise because of dogs and post-war disorders. Loud noises seem to affect those two groups more than others. I can tell you that we have a 3rd group. It (also) affects little old 84 year old wives that want to go to sleep about 10 p.m. Consequently, this affects little old 84 year old husbands who want to keep peace with the spouse.
Our neighbors spend WAY too much money on pretty, loud fireworks. For cheap people like me, they are fun to watch (free). On every appropriate holiday, the big fireworks start just after dark and continue liberally until after midnight...or as I like to say "Midnight:30." It is just not one neighbor; it is MANY neighbors. The people behind us put on quite a show. Again, it is fun to watch...big ole honking displays. Neighbors enjoying the evening...have another hot dog and beer..."Hey, Ethel, watch this one!"
Knowing this was in the works for New Years eve, I was able to get my little Sadie out early to do her duty. Then, night began to fall. All you-know-what broke loose. Our dogs hid out in certain places - usually close to one of us. Night fell about 7:30 or so. The displays never let up. The noise seemed to echo off the houses and the sheds. My wife sat up in bed messing with her phone past midnight.
At midnight:45 I was able to get Sadie out to "Flush" her system. Even then we (she & I) heard 2 booms. Sadie wasn't sure she was up for this adventure. Job finished we went straight to bed. The wife had the light out and was muttering something about spraying people with a water cannon.
Daughter Christine's dogs never left her side. About 2:45 I had to get up for my Necessary. I asked Sadie if she needed to go out. Popped right up - dogs forget and forgive easier than humans. And, Yes, at 2:45, in the middle of her full squat, someone nearby set off a big Boom! 2:45!!!
👅👹😈😡💩💥😍 REVENGE!!
Oops, slept till 9:30 - forgot. I hope y'all had a big helping of nice black-eye peas and ham. Corn bread would have been nice too.