Friday, October 18, 2024


 This is a quickie having to do with my dogs.

Two or our three dogs have had a mission since last spring.  They never give it up.  In the beginning I thought they were hunting rabbits in our backyard.   We've had a couple of cute rabbits who use to hang out in our backyard gaining access under the wood fence.  Then we had a garden.  I thought the dogs were hunting rabbits in our garden.

I was so wrong.  My daughter moved some chicken wire and pallets from the side of the shed.  All of a sudden, I find my little Sadie on her cushion  chomping down on a 4 " rat.  A Rat.  In the trash.  Sadie didn't seem to care.   A 2nd dead rat came into our world soon after.  

Now the dogs switched over to a bushy area of the garden.  The dogs have been working this area since July.  TODAY, Sadie walks into the house, plops herself down in front of my wife, and drops a rat on the floor.   Gadz.  I don't know if this is the last of the rats or not.

I've gone my whole life without having to deal with Rats.  Little Sadie, I believe, brought the rat to us to show how good she is as a hunter.  Cats and Dogs do that.  They catch a critter and bring it to you - as a gift, I suppose.

Rat #3.  gone.

Sidebar:  in the front yard under a bush we have found a dead rabbit - head ripped off - fuzzy little tail torn off - Some other hunter has killed that rabbit in our front yard.  There is  a beautiful white cat that hangs out in our neighbor at times.  I suppose....

Do you have a great rat story?  I'd love to hear it.  (that what the comment area is for)

over & out --


Monday, October 14, 2024

Staying with the month

 I just blinked and it's October 14th.   Really must have missed some really good days there.  I know, Friday the 13th came on Sunday this month.  Bet ya didn't notice.

This is not going to be a political rant.  Bear with me.  I do rant and rave in my own mind, but I'm a tad shy about vocalizing my preferences - and let me tell you - I DO HAVE PREFERENCES.  But that is not the point of this paragraph or two.

One day I was working outside during the summer, y'know, mending the fence, digging a post hole, pulling a weed -whatever. I had my little black portable radio with me, looking for something to occupy my mind.  I really cannot tolerate the music on the radio.  Country is just too much; rock n roll has digressed to mostly noise; rap is just nonsense raving over someone who recites simple poetry thinking he is a great thinker; female singers think that if it goes high N loud or if you can hold a super high C for 15 seconds, you somehow have mastered the art of singing.  I just can't stand it.  So I turn the radio dial looking for anything.

I happened upon a talk show.  The talker was fun to hear.  I can't stand some of them..  I heard a guy on a Saturday morning swear that all gasoline mowers would be gone in 5 years.  He ranted and ranted.  That was in the 90s and my mower is still as fine as it ever was.  But, this guy was funny.  It was near lunch time.  I remember going into the house and turning on that radio to finish the show, showing the station to my wife.   That was the first time I heard Rush Limbaugh.  yes, I became a regular listener and suppose I heard him for over 20 some years.  Hannity (sp) followed.  He wasn't as much fun.  He has a tendency to reiterate what he is saying several times in his hour.  You get to know what he is saying over and over.  But, that's okay.  I really enjoyed Rush.

Then, we went through that period where Rush lost his hearing and relearned to hear.  Then, the lung cancer from  his formerly nicotine stained fingers.  When Rush died, I turned off the radio and quit listening to the political news - slanted in my favor.  I suppose I have gone 5 - 6 plus years not hearing what I think.  It was good for me.  I quit listening to the TV news - especially Network News.  Local news is much better with the weather, local events, and sometimes sports.

Then, a while back, gosh I guess it has been a couple months or so, I was in this here computer room and turn on the TV later at night.  Channel 360,  There was this fellow, Gutfeld or field ??.  He was fun.  His guest were funny. And it evolved into a different show The Five and then more news that was tainted my direction.  I started to enjoy listening to them.  

Here is the deal.  I'm still not hooked.  I hear a bit of a show and move on.  But, I can feel my blood rising.  I am getting - make that starting to get more upset about the political scene.  Constantly I ask myself, "How can anyone believe that kind of trash?  Don't they ever pay attention?"  It is apparent.  I am going to have to stop watching those shows.

And, thus, we reach the middle of the month.  Eyes open.  Mouth shut.  Hunger in the belly (for pecan pie).  All you sweethearts take care.  

Wait!  In this morning's paper, there was a photo of a line of 21 former Homecoming Queens (football sweethearts) from Academy h.s. all gathered together at a recent ballgame.   What fun I bet they had at that football game.  

I noticed that a few of my steady readers have been having medical problems:  my advice:  do what the doctor say; stay away from broccoli; and spit off a bridge the first chance you get.  It'll do ya good.


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October begins

When a door closes, another opens up.

When an opportunity ends, another opens up.

When a window closes, your air conditioning performs better.


Looking forward to Halloween.  I have no reason to look forward to it.  I put my two Halloween blow up decorations in the front yard this morning.  One is working fine.  The other (my favorite one - yoda kid) seems to have to have the little motor struck in order to work.  Then, after a while with the wind blowing, it must be hit again.  Sad really.  As the past two days continue, the blow up works sometimes then stops.  Then, starts again on its own.  go figure.

Our neighborhood has trick & treaters followed by parents.  It is a busy evening.  And, the locals like to talk and respond to what's happening.  It really has been a nice neighborhood.  Oct. 1st is the National night out.  Our neighborhood does that too with a fire truck and games and food trucks and folks just sitting around chatting.  Nice.

Oooooo Oooooo  Last year, little kids would walk up on our yard just to look at the young Yoda.  Cute.


Last year (keeping a theme going), a school bus came by the house about 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Little kids would board or "get off" at our corner.  This was great for our dogs because it gave them a chance to bark and snort.  Not this year.  I don't know where the Yellow bus went.  😉 You might say, "I wonder where the Yellow went, when you brush your...."  I know the dogs miss their afternoon romp and bark.  Now, we have to wait for stay-at-home moms to push their babies by the house in the strollers so we can bark.  Sad days for barking dogs.


We did go to the Natl Night Out.  We rode our 2 little scooters and drove the Marauder to the event.  It was nice.  There was big ole fire truck - about 4 or 5 volunteer firemen - 3 or 4 policemen from the sheriff's office.   The bounce house was popular and so was the cornhole tournament.  3 food trucks were available along with one of "icee" trucks.   Daughter and wife had nachos - big - covered in cheese and pulled pork.  I had a brisket sandwich.  Both were okay.   Next time I'll bring a wash cloth in a plastic bag.  As it was I washed my BBQ hands with a diet coke and a napkin.  It worked.

We left just before dark with battery powered lights strung across the backs.  I don't know if it is legal to drive a scooter on the roads.  But, we did.  The wife seemed to have a very nice time.  It was a nice night out.  Looking forward to next year's.

and I close.  October hopes to be a nice month.  I hope it is for you too.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sept. ends

 I'm old.  To someone that is 100, I'm not.

Life is different when you're older.  You have different kinds of responsibilities and thuds.  I thud a lot lately.  Hopeful to keep the thuds under control.

But one thing that I'm getting to do is to play my trumpet.  I don't practice enough to be a strong player.  That's for sure.  But, I still have certain techniques of my youth.  My chops just don't produce strength as much.

Centered in Salado is the Central Texas Community Band.  It is made up of old guys - those of us who might be considered professional - generally area band directors who seem to like a bit of relief from teaching - guys who played throughout high school and college and just want to play some more - I believe there are one or two college and high school kids in the group.  I'm having a bit of trouble with the membership because it seems to change so much from one event to another.  I'm starting to recognize several of the players and might be able to recognize them away from our setting.  We will see.

3 different directors are running the show.  Probably the best known "Statewide" is Frank Coachman.  He works with the Band UIL stuff - thus, band directors all know the name.  Another is James Whitis who I knew a while back when I was teaching.  His latest gig was the director of Mary Hardin Baylor Univ. Band.  The third director is Charla Kelley.  She is a personable director who can smile easily and convincingly.  Her last gig was at Salado H.S.  I like all 3 and believe they are doing a nice job.

Anyhoooo, we played a concert Friday night at the MHBU facility.  We played a few songs and their concert band played some.  All in all it was a nice event.  MHBU played the entire Carmina Burana.  The song is difficult and takes some fine players to pull it off.  I love this song.  Additionally they played the Melody Shop.  What a fun tun - features baritones of all things.  You can find it on your phone - google, I guess.  Really fun tune.

That's pretty much it for the past week.  Maybe I'll get to practice a bit more this week and be ready for Thursday's rehearsal.


Wasn't that Hurricane terrible?  I really fel sorry for those folks.  Not much more you can say.

later m

Monday, September 23, 2024

Well, I guess just because...

 Hello - Howdy - Good Morning - How y'all doin'?  Sup?  Good ta see ya today.

And it goes on and on.


Only 1 phone call to buy my "not-for-sale" house today.  Monday is usually the prolific day for buying houses - apparently.  It's a rent house.  It's rented. Why would anyone sell a rented house?  Normally, I get 3 to 4 calls on Monday.  Must be something wrong with the Chinese real estate market.

First thing I dood this morn, is to step out on the front porch and spray poison on a wasp nest.  They had created a nest 5 inches across, covered with yellow jackets - busy little monsters.  These are not those little ones that are somewhat beneficial.  These are the ones that get mad and attack in mass.  The nest was right above the door attached to the porch light.  They're gone.  Nasty little beggars.

Next thing - sat in chair to read paper.  Wife came up and said she was going for a walk.  I said to wait while I put real shoes on.  She did.  I did.  Walked to the door and it started raining.  Saved!!!!  She rode the indoor bike instead.  Now, she naps.  I'm hungry.

The spouse has an appt. in January with a doctor in Temple.  Fine.  BS&W sent a message that the doctor was transitioning to a new role at the hospital.  We should call XXX-XXX-XXXX and re-schedule with Dr. XXXXXXX.  Actually, this would not be a reschedule; it is a schedule.  So after 3 weeks of muttering to my self (I hate having to break new doctors in  -  dot dot dot  -  not that the old doctor even remembers us coming in last year, but new is still new.)

I called appropriate phone number.  I went through all the phone options and chose correctly.  Lady answered.  I explained.  She transferred me to another lady.  I explained.  I had to go through all the hoops:  wife's name, date of birth, phone number, address, color of great grandmother's eyes, favorite food, graduated from what elementary, does she like to eat fish --- you know the process.  I guess it serves a purpose.

Finally, the phone lady explains she cannot schedule the appointment.  A secretary would have to call me back sometime in the next 24 to 48 hours.  I rolled my eyes (unseen by the phone lady of course).  Lady hung up - but I stayed on to answer a one question survey.  Guess what they asked.  How was the phone lady 1 to 5 with 5 being the best.  She got a 5.  Nonsense.  Now, I wait.

1:20     Late for lunch snack.  Wife still naps.  Dogs all napping.  I feel left out...snore


Thursday, September 19, 2024

unexplained good ...

 The past week or so has had some actually good things happen.  Can't complain.  

Not true, I can always find something to complain about.  It's my nature.  But, nevertheless, this has been an okay week.  I hope you have had a good adventure also.

First of all, my wife has a brother (only 1) who lives in New Hampshire.  That is a fur piece from Texas. We've visited up there a couple of times.  It was nice.  And we met them in Florida one year for a week. That is a complete Stone in itself.  Good and Bad.  After that trip, his wife deteriorated and eventually died after multiple problems.  That is another story in itself.  Let's skip it for now.  Glad you agree.

So it's been several years since we've seen her brother.  A long time.  He's old too - 80.  After much prodding, he flew down here for a week's visit.  It was a great visit.  All my children spent at least 2 days with us visiting.  Ernie - his name - is getting old with the rest of us.  He was real upbeat and a pleasure to be around.  He has been a vegetarian for 30-40-50 years.  I don't know how long.  So we learned some things about that too.

He flew in and out of the Austin airport connecting to Boston where a limo took him and picked him up at that airport for a drive to his house in New Hampshire.  A lot of money passed through Ernie's fingers over the past couple weeks.  He is like us - far from wealthy - but comfortable.

I won't go into the details of the visit.  It was a good week.


2nd thing:  Driving into and outta the Austin Airport was relatively okay.  I know airports can be a pain.  But, it all worked out really well and nobody yelled at us.


3rd:  You might not think this is a big deal.  For me, it was.  I pushed the button on my car door lock thing - and nothing happened.  I got in the car and the computer didn't recognize the key.  Nothing happened.  Luckily, we had a 2nd key that was working just fine.  What to do?  What to do?  When a keyfob dies, there must be a plan.

We  all sat and stared at the keyfob.  I found a futton on the back that slid over and the top pulled off.  THERE WAS AN EXTRA KEY IN THE KEYFOB for opening the door.  My car is a push button start - no place to put a key except the door lock.  I was starting to invision a trip to the Ford House where they would charge me $200,000 for a new one.  The daughter suggested a trip to a local key making company.  Great Idea.

Then, in a flash of genius - I do have them at times - I got the car's instruction book out of the glove box.  You do know that we have no gloves in our glove box.  Do You?  By actually reading the book, I learned how to open the keyfob.  And there it was.  A battery just waiting to be replaced = one of those flat batteries - it seems like it was a #2023 or something like that.  Who keeps this battery at home?  Well folksy readers, we had one.  I don't know where it came from or when....all wrapped  up in its packaging - probably from Walmart.   

Installed, my key fob works.  And it was under $200,000.  Now, don't you think that should be registered as a good thing happening?  I do.  I did. I'm putting another 2023 on the grocery list.  Never leave home without one.


4th thing:  I''ll combine 4 and 5.  Every 3 months or so, a guy comes by and measures the crud in our septic tank.  If it is measured as an #8, then, it must be pumped out by a big truck.  That would call for a few hundred dollars.  We measured a #1 out of 8.  Good thing.  Then, the local water guy dropped by and checked my sprinkler system to make sure the "backflow" valve was working.  IT WAS.  We won't have to replace that valve.  He's a nice man.  Made my day, today!!!


There have been other terrific things this past couple of weeks:  seeing all my children, sharing a few really great meals with them (ate out a few times too), Ernie reuniting with his sister, all bills are paid with a few dollars left in the bank, Son Roger/Penney celebrated their 28th anniversary while they were here  -  and, perhaps, the most important -------

My wife celebrated her 84th birthday while everyone was here (less 2 granddaughters that we sorely missed).  She had a great birthday - ate at Olive Garden - opened cards and presents - she even shed a tear during all that - happiness tear.

I'll quit now before I get mushy.  Y'all take care.  Remember, if you behave and act good, eventually Karma will turn around and good things will occur.  They did for me.  Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.  mtz, smiley face,  😇😍😏😙😜

Thursday, September 5, 2024

All's well

 All's well here.

It rained over an inch on Wednesday (didn't have to run sprinklers).

It is quiet.

Mowed front yard this morning.  Bought a new battery for mower.  It was an amazing new battery. 

Weed Et the front sidewalk.  Used the weed eater that I bought for my wife years back - battery powered.  it did a fairly good job but is made for shorter-than-me people.  Next time I will use my gas machine, known locally as the Terminator.  it is so much better; but, it weighs so much more.  I cannot weed eat the front and back in one day.  Maybe if I take some Geritol.

10 days till the wife turns 84.   I call it  83 and 11/12ths and 3/4ths.   There is a certain age that you list your age as 83 and a half.  83 and three quarters.  Sorta like when you were a kid and you were 2 1/2  not just 2.  


I know why.  I'll ask anyway.  Why do charities keep sending me stuff.  I'm not rich.  I might send a couple of bucks to some place.  I cannot afford to support every charity that finds my name, which, of course, brings up the question.  How did they get my name?

I know how.  Let's suppose that I give $50 to charity A.  They turn around and sell their donor list to charity B.  Charity B sends me a dun. If I send money to  B, I won't have money to send to  A.  Isn't that how it works.  I suppose they are making more money off selling the list than I give them.  I suppose.

Years ago, a friend of mine taught band at Boys Ranch near Amarillo.  I was teaching and had a bit of cash.  So, at Christmas time, I sent a donation to Boys Ranch (near Amarillo).  Within 2 months I was getting requests from 5 different  groups like them.  There is a boys ranch in Nebraska, a girls thing in the Panhandle, an Indian group up in the Dakotas . . .  So, I quit sending to all of them.  Save my money.  

It would be nice to be able to support the whole World.  When I had monetary problems back in the 80s, nobody show up at my door to help out.  I just worked a little harder.  I don't spend my money on cigarettes and booze.  Nowadays, I do get some diet cokes though.

About 3 - maybe 4 - years ago, I sent $50 to Alzheimer's charity.  I have my reasons.  Immediately, I began to receive request for more.  Some days I would get 3 Alzheimers requests on the same day.  It was relentless.  Flood of mail.   After a spell I started keeping track of their requests.  Using regular postage rates, they soon spent more than $50 writing letters to me.  I don't get it.  Finally, I wrote them and explained why I was not sending them any more money - instead I was just going to give the $50 to the US post office and eliminated the middle man.

It didn't faze them.  The mail continues to this day.  Go figure.  Yesterday I got a grocery type bag from a group supporting some aspect of the military world.  That's nice.  I just don't have the extra cash to support everyone.

I use to pack up the Christmas cards - and other greeting cards - that came here.  Then, I would drop them off with my extra magazines at a certain home for old, poor people.  I was told they were thrilled to get them.  I don't know.  

nuff, see ya, m

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 paper reports that a NFL player just got a new contract and a raise.

His name is Dicker.

And he is their Kicker.

Paper said:   Kicker Dicker gets new contract.

I feel these things should be shared.


don't miss the whine fest below.  It is worth missing.

Whine Fest

 No, I did not misspell WINE.  This is a "whine festival."  My 2nd choice for a title was:  "When will it all end?"  You may not have noticed in the past, sometimes it never quits.  Something will go wrong - agaon - then, before you recover, another thing will happen - And, it just seems to pile on and on and on.  Tis problematic ya know.   You will see that this writing will turn into a marathon.  Why?  Because it NEVER ENDS!!!!

You bump your toe.  You holler and which causes the dogs to bark.  The barking makes you jump (why, I don't know, it happens all the time) and you trip back falling over the lump in the floor (another dog?).  On the way down you grasp at the tablecloth pulling stuff off the dining room table.  On the table was a container of syrup.  You have to mop the floor.  A dog walks through the syrup...  Where does she walk?  It never seems to end... 

So, I think this is how it goes.

#I  ]   A while back the daughter came home from work with a tire going flat.  She has to have transportation to get to work 30 miles down the road.  We put an air compressor to work.  Poor solution apparently.  She takes off for Discount Tire in Temple to get it fixed "TONIGHT" instead of later.

#2 ]  The tire starts to go down when she is a couple of miles from the store.  She pulls over and calls me.  The wife is loaded in the Flex and we head that way with "Air and a Prayer."  

It is SOOOOO hot out.  105 maybe in the shade.  Daughter decides that she cannot wait for me to help change that tire in this heat, so she takes off driving on an almost flat tire.  Tire is flat when she arrives at the store.  And, (just perhaps) she might be driving on a rim.  I don't know.

#3 ]  I get to the "calling" place.  She is not there.  Text messages can be so wonderful.  I continue to Discount Tire.  Discount tire operates on appointments.  But, if you get into the store in time, the tire will be fixed before they close and go home.  They conned her into 4 new tires (probably needed for sure).  She had a few hour wait to be finished.  We went and ate Mexican food.

#4 ] got back to store as they finished.  We dumped her off & went home.  An hour or so later I gets this text that she has decided to stop & have oil changed at Ford House.  I rarely do anything at the car dealerships.  Oil changes seem fairly safe.  Wait.  The guy tells her she has several leaks.  Of course there is no oil on our driveway.  He talks her into having the truck checked over.   By the time they are through, they find enough stuff to repair that they quote over $9000.  Yes, $9000.  I tell her pay what you owe & leave.  That would be $175.  No oil changed yet.  She comes home.  I have heard of a local guy who has a shop in his back yard.  He has a day job & does this in spare time.  EVERYONE says nice things about him.  

#5 ] It takes 2 days to get the truck over there and have a discussion.  He has a couple of cars in front of ours.   Today, It has now been 3 weeks without the truck.  Ford house implied truck was going to catch on fire if driven much.  Fear mongers.  Thus, for past 3 weeks, my daughter has been driving my car to work.  I am without a car.  That's okay.  We have no place to go, & we do have my 2003 Mercury Marauder as a backup.  There is a problem.  The Air Cond has gone out on the Marauder.  It is now an emergency backup  only.  It is 105 degrees out.  This is all fine.  It is no problem.  I don't mind.  I have no place to go ---- yet.

#6 ] Later that same week, walking through the house, I noticed that I am sweating.    Check thermostat.  82 degrees in the house.  I can hear the AC running but not cooling.  It is a heat pump.  Big time people love heat pumps.  I'm not quite sure.

I call this local guy who has helped me before.  He can't help me and says, "Call David." I do.  David will be over as soon as he can.  He is in Burnet right now (well over 90 miles away me thinks).  

Just for you, I'm gonna summarize this as best as I can.  Yes, I could make it a lot longer.

Eventually, he shows.  Finds leak in coil.  Needs replacing.  Compressor has been making this 'Gawd Awful' noise for a year.  He gets new coil.  Then, he finds - and demonstrates - another leak in the compressor.  Things go down hill from here.

#7 ] We now have a new air cond system - outside as well as in the attic - It cost more than I should spend.  I trust David primarily because he was suggested by local friend. But, he is over-priced, I am sure.  But, we have a new system that should last 10-20 years.  This is money I'll never get back.   It took S I X full days before the system was fully operational.  Meanwhile we spent S I X full days ranging from 75 degrees to 87 degrees.  

It is over.  We move on.

#8 ] Daughter didn't work on that following Friday.  I walked by MY car and noted that the left tire was wearing.  Yes, I've hit a few curbs recently.  I know it is out of alignment; but I don't want to get it fix today.  She can drive that tire for another week.  No problem.  Research:  found a place who can do an alignment - no openings till next week.  Set the work up for the following Friday & ordered two new tires.

Sat. morning.  The three of us go to town.  shopping for food etc.  When we get home the dot spots a slash on the side of the tire.  The tire has a 3 inch gash on the sidewall.  You don't go anywhere with that type of problem.  Well, most folks don't.  She cannot drive that car to work.   I must do something now.  And

#9 ] Off to Discount Tire in Temple.  Will the tire make it?  Yep.  I arrive at 2:30.  They close about 5 ish.  Remember, must have appointment.  They projected I'd be out by 7:26.  roll your eyes.  

Long story short.  Finished.  Got 2 new tires up front.  following Friday, alignment at a different tire store & put 2 new tires on the back.    All of that was about $1300.  We do have 4 new tires, aligned.   It is over.

#10 ] Repair guy  gets ready to work on daughter's truck.  First of all his grandfather died.  Local, well-loved, I'd say a wonderful old gent.  Sad.  then, repair guy has to go out of town for his company for a few days.  Today, Sept. 1st, parts are ordered and work has begun.  

The three weeks that I wish I had missed.

Tomorrow, Labor Day, I shan't do any labor.

love ya, Mtz

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I had a dream

I had a dream 2 nights ago.  Most dreams disappear, but this one stayed with me.

I retired from band directing 20 years ago.  It was good that I retired - - or they might have fired me -- or -- I might have hurt someone.  Y'never know.

But the dream.  As with most dreams, it jumped around and was confusing - didn't make real sense all the time.  I was in a school system with a middle school and a high school.  Apparently, I had an associate who taught middle school primarily...though that person never appeared in the dream.

It started with me walking from the H.S. to the M.S. on the 1st day of school.  Walking.  You know this has to be a dream.  I went into the MS bandroom - it was large.  no chairs or music stands.  but large.  In the center right of the room was a pond.  Yes, it was an indoor pond - not a swimming pool as such.  As I fumbled around with some younger students walking in,  another teacher brought his entire class to the band room to go swimming.  I tried to explain that I had a class in there.  Didn't seem to matter.

I left the room & students to walk to the principal's office.  I need to pick up all the mail from the summer that had accumulated.  No thought was given to the left behind students or swimming hole.  Walking around the building, I finally found a front door that had a staircase to the 2nd floor.  As you know, all principal offices must be on the 2nd floor.

I walked into the office.  Nobody was there.  Big cluttered office empty of personnel.  No reason.  I walked around a corner to the mail boxes.  There was no mail.  I left.  Into the hall looking for stairs to return to band room.  There were no stairs.  A door slid open  to an elevator with an elevator operator.  The elevator was about 1 1/2 ft deep.  No room...kept looking for stairs.

Suddenly, I am back to the H.S. walking into that bandroom.  Yep, no chairs or stands.  Just a big room.  Then I noticed that half of the room had couches (divans) and soft chairs, a nice carpet, recliners - lamps - it was the teacher's lounge set up in half of the band room.  Empty.  I marveled at how wrong this was. 

Then, wham, I was awake.  Clock said 6:30 a.m.  got out of bed.  did business.  shook my head.  went back to bed and slept.  No More Dreams.

So the dream was really about facilities and administrators who were messing with my facilities.  I suppose there is a message here.  I'll never figure it out after 20 years of retirement.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Anna Who?

 I have always liked to play with names.  That is ... I like to change a name around and call someone something other than the actual name given at birth.  Using someone's real name has always been difficult for me.  I've been known to call my wife Bertha, Bubba, Girl, Wilbur, y'know - anything that seems to come out of my mouth.  My wife has rarely seemed to be offended.

When I was teaching, I would give students a nickname sometimes.  One girl was called SideKick because she hung out with another girl alot.  Occasionally, I would hear other students use my different nicknames - don't think anyone was ever offended.  They knew names were used not as a bully might.  Form of Affection.  Had a girl who worked for Taco Bell -- We referred to her as our Taco Belle.  Play with it.

Had a boy student who like to be called Slick.  Why?   In my first teaching school, Sudan, a fellow teacher had a son he called Shotgun.  The parent said that everyone MUST call the boy Shotgun  (he was pre-school age).

We have a dog Sadie.  Sometimes she is called Sadie Mae   or  Sadie Lou.  You get the idea.

So my daughter's dog Anna. I called her Anna Conda today.  Don't know why.  It worked at the time.  Dog didn't care.  Gimme a cookie, I'll forgive anything.  This made me try to figure out a few more  for her.  List to follow:

Most use ANA instead of ANNA. There is Anna Belle of course (too easy).  Anna Purna,  [I might mention that spelling doesn't count here.]  Anatomy doesn't work because of you put the emphasis on the NAT   Uh-NATomy.  Anagram works.  Anaphyloxies - Anaesthetic - Salute to Calif Anaheim -,  Anagoric ??  Analyze is good.   Anastasia and Anamorphic.

My favorite has  been Anakin (Skywalker).

Nicknames are forever here.  Brother Jim and I were called:  Pickle Puss and Dumb Head.  You can guess which one was me.  Because my very young children could not say certain words - we used  Yah-Yah  and  Ninny (or ninnypoo)  and Wah-ger  and so forth.  Bro Jim was called DEE  when  little brother had trouble with the letter J.  The list continues.  I'm sure you have had a few.

see ya later,


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Provocative Title

Provocative Title:  It has come to my attention that I have more readers when the title is a bit provocative...not political...but hints at naughty.  Now, why izzat?

My original title was going to be  "Thursday, Trash Day."  That is an attention getter, you must admit.  Every Thursday is "put out the trash" day.  Trash pickup day is Friday about 8:30-9:00 in the morning.  Now WHO!!!  in their right mind wants to get up in the morning and roll that Green plastic can to the curb.  Doing it on Thursday is better.  well,  except for the heat.  It's hot out there.

My inboard temperature gauge noted 105+ yesterday with no wind and lots of humidity.  I'm sure we are special.  Nobody else is having these hot temperatures - just us.  It is a punishment for the many wrongs I have done over the past many years.  KARMA.  I have got to figure this out.  

How much Karma is attached to each bad deed?  Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you spit off a bridge on top of some guy's bald head.  He, of course, thinks a bird splattered him (his Karma).  How long must I be punished for this deed - and - how severe should that punishment be?  Should I have a toe removed?  Or is 2 weeks without a Coke enough.  Perhaps a rock hitting my windshield or a plop of mud.  There has to be a gauge.  Maybe it is just enough for me to drop my sandwich on the floor.  I don't know.   I do know that if some kook thinks of this, he will write a PhD dissertation with research  from throughout the world.

An Aside:    I started a PhD once at UTDallas (UTD) several years back.  It was truly a wrong decision.  Humanities.  The courses offered for this degree were off the wall.  I learned some stuff for sure.  Didja know that there are 3 (or is it 4) editions of Lady Chatterley's Lover? In one class, I had to read all 3 editions and compare them - differences - etc.   This assignment came in the fall semester as I was teaching and writing a marching competition show.   We had one week to read all 3.   NoWay!!!

One of the Profs commented in a class while talking about our future dissertations - he said, "I would question any dissertation that did not have research in a foreign language."  I knew I was lost at that point.

Eventually, I quit the coursework and move several miles away to return to teaching.  I lacked 2 classes and the dissertation.  Doesn't matter.  You can still call me Doc if you'd like even though it is inaccurate.

Think I'll go take a shower.  I've put it off all day.  Mowed the back yard this morning and did a bit of sweating.  We have a thousand frogs in the back yard.  I worry about mowing the frogs.  Mowing can be stressful for that reason.

As I close, I ask:  was this provocative enough?

love ya,  Mtz

Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday - 27th

Monday, July 27th

The start of a new week.  Every week is about the same as you age.  Occasionally, there is a disaster which changes the flow.  I am shooting for none today.  Nobody is going to the Emergency Room today.    

Olympics are on TV.  I guess everyone is having a good time.  Never being much of a sports person, I find little joy in the Olympics.  The opening ceremony had some fun times and nice music along with some "What the Hey!!" and yucky music.  The people who plan these opening events are way above average.  I'm not sure that I could have dreamed such an event.  Genius is a good word.  I still remember China opening ceremony.  Impressive.

I still don't understand why "they" (whoever they are) keeping pushing the homosexual angle at us all the time.  It serves no real purpose in my thinking...just trying to make waves. Oft times, when pressed with this, I just change channels.  I don't have to watch that stuff.  I'd rather watch an old Adam 12 or Matlock - whatever.  Movin' on.


Up and atom.  I will do 3 load of clothes today.  I went through 61 years of marriage without washing one thing except on trips where I shared the experience.  I have never ironed anything larger than a handkerchief.  Hanging up clean shirts was never my job.  My wife did it all.  Never complained.   I did my thing; she did hers.  She never changed a tire.  I did a lot of that when we had tubes in our tires.   We have our division of powers.

Now that she is getting sicker, I do those things too.  I wash.  No ironing anymore.  I cook food and do the grocery shopping, feed the dog, mow the yard, weedeat when I feel the mood.  She does like to sweep and mop and dust...oh, yes, she can't let a bed go unmade...or a divan throw go unthrown.


I've been trying to do the math on this.  Follow me now.  We were married on August 5, 1962.  Fine,  I am sure it was a lovely wedding.  1st Baptist church in Levelland with the 1st Methodist preacher.  He was a nice man.  I'd been in college for 4 years and never really got to know him much.

This year is 2024.  How many years since 1962?   Well it has been 62 years come August.  Do you see it?  1962 - 62 years later.  I'm not saying it was a perfect 62 years.  I was a jerk some of those years.

Lets say we married in 1963.  When would 63 years be?  2026.                   1945,  45 yrs = 1990

There is always that particular year sometime in the future.  It really is no big deal.  I just thought it was interesting.  But shouldn't it be celebrated just a bit more than normal?  Maybe an extra trip to Taco Bell?  What cha think.  OOOOO ooooooo Oooooo here's an idea.  All of you BAND together and do a crowd sourcing thingamabob and send us on a World Tour - private jet of course - personal guides - no major walking - son Roger says 11 days on a cruise ship is a bit much - new traveling clothes - I could go on and on and on - Some of you may think I already have ....   (be nice)    howabout just a gallon of gas to make it to Taco Bell twice.  Never mind. We're good.  You tried.  time to move on.

All of this reminds me, before Christine was born in late 1964, we drove to New York City for the 1964 World's Fair.  Brother Marshall lived in NY at the time.  He went out and found us a 1 bedroom apt to rent for 6 weeks one block off Central Park and that big Museum.  The normal girl renter was going to California for the summer and was tickled to have us move in and pay the rent.  Nice apartment, I guess.  2nd story walk up with 2 big windows facing the street.   No AC.  That's ok.  I have so many stories about that trip.  Maybe they'll follow.  Everyone should do something like that.  6 weeks in New York.

The STONE for today - re-read above - me helping with laundry at a laundrymat - We were raised in the Panhandle of Texas. Water was really hard out there.   Really Hard well water loaded with minerals.  I never knew that soap could lather.  One day we loaded up some dirty clothes - about 2 loads full - and walked down the street to a NY Laundry Mat.  It was okay.  No crazy people inside.  We loaded our clothes, read the instructions, put in our TIDE, paid, and hit Go.

These were not top loaders.  Our washer started.  The soap began to foam.  And foam.  That's when I learned about soft water.   We had soap flowing out all over the floor.  People just stood and looked at us.   When it was over, we had to re-wash to get the soap out.  Stupid kids.  Nobody ever told us about soft water.  We left quite a mess as we rushed down the street.  Marshall educated  us that evening.

New York was a fun and terrifying place to visit.  We were never mugged.  We were dumb enough to be mugged.  Weren't.




Saturday, July 27, 2024


 If you have read the news quip to the right of this page, you will have noticed that I have spent my teaching career as a H.S. Band Director (note the Uppercase Caps - shows respect). I have not been in the biz since about 2004 when I retired (graduated, if you will).  I did spend a semester in a different small school where I learned that returning to teaching was not going to be fun.  Many of the students were just little jerks.  They took the fun out of teaching.   Another time I spent about 2 months as a long-term sub while the school looked for a permanent director.  Those kids were good.  I liked being there.

So in my retirement, I attend some band concerts and contests.  I go to an occasional football game to watch the halftime.  My Facebook has me connected  a group called  Band Director Jokes.   And I visit certain websites sponsored by folks with connections to bands.  One of these is something called the Yellow Pages.  It is for directors.  They do not seem to appreciate when non-director types get on and make comments.  I understand that.

Some of the subjects brought up by some directors are very educational and good.  They ask some very fine questions.  Then, sometimes, the whine gets out of control.  I feel sorry for those folks.  They should quit and go work at Buc-cees.   

Recently, a young director (I would guess he is young), ask what bands play for Homecoming.

Let me explain.  Every H.S. / College has Homecoming.  Everyone has his own traditions.  Some schools get carried away while others just do something before the game - wham, bam, it's over.  Let's play football.  You've got the Homecoming Queen - and court.  Some schools will have a King.  Some involve parents in the mix - Why?  I don't know.  It just complicates it.

At the ceremony, the band and cheerleaders are pretty much a backdrop to the festivities.  For years, I would march onto the field while playing the Fight Song - park the band - not move - and play some slow song as the the Court was introduced over the P.A.   When the girl was crowned, my girl band students would get all excited & the music would go down hill.

It hit me one year.  I asked the administration if we could just stand and watch.  I told them our music was so loud it covered the P.A. announcements - which it usually did.  They bought it.  So, we marched out - stood  -  girls got excited without messing up the song - and marched off.  DONE.  LET'S MOVE ON. NOTHING TO SEE HERE.  A few times one of my band girls got crowned.  That really upset the music delivery.

Moving on.  On the yellow page band director "page" this week, some guy as what song to play.  I answered with my story.  Some of the others started listing songs.  This got out of hand to a certain degree.  Band Directors are rarely known as lovers of Homecoming.  It gets into our way.

Songs of the nice songs listed were:  (I hope this was not copywrited)(There is a word the spell check doesn't like - copywrited)

You are so beautiful;  Only Time;  Ice Castles; My heart will go on;  Mahogany theme; Bellavia;  Can't help falling in love; Muskat Love,  my girl;  shadow of your smile; I'll be there...

Keeping in mind a director's attitude:  other songs were:   Fat bottom Girls;  Send in the Clowns;  Land of 1000 dances played really slow;  hang dog;  Cruella De vill;  If I only had a brain;  The evil clown;  Price is Right theme song played in a loop;  I like my women just a little on the Trashy side;  and I got friends in low places.

Another person suggested playing the Alma Mater.  Now come on, if you play that, everyone stands at attention and nothing gets done - that would be similar to playing The Star Spangled Banner.  As an aside here, I noticed over the years that different schools call their Alma Mater - the School Song.  Others call the fight song - the School Song.   You never really know what  school prefers until you join in their festivities.  

Once had a school band which "HAD" to play the Theme from "Rocky" as the team entered the field.  At that time, this band had trouble playing any song with 8th notes.  

To me the School Song and the Alma Mater are the same song.  That's what it use to be in Levelland - it must be right.  The fight song is the rabble rouser.  Forget Rocky.

Schools have so many little traditions.  You have to be careful or they will run you out of town on a rail.

Y'all take care now, y'hear? 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Here we go!

 Several years ago a friend and I were camping in the great outdoors.  We had been out there about 2-3 days.  He liked to shoot rabbits and cook them over the open fire.  Rabbits really are not my favorite meat.

One day he was out hunting when he took a tumble down this ravine.  His gun went off and shot him in the shoulder.  It was a mess.  As it turned out, camping next to us was an old country doctor.  Luck was with us.

The old man decided that he had to get that bullet out right then and stop the bleeding.  His companion jumped in their car and drove to the entrance store and called an ambulance.  I stood around like a dummy.  I did unload the rifle.

Anyway, the old doctor had this leather thong around his neck.  We didn't have any anesthesia to knock the guy out.  The doc gave the the leather to my friend and instructed him to bite down hard on it - "Chew on it".

Everything worked out.  The ambulance came.  Friend went to the local hospital.   He did get a bit of infection in the wound - after all we weren't really in sterile surroundings.  It was what it was.

The next day I made it to the local hospital - plopped myself down in the chair beside the bed - and - asked him how he was doing. 

He responded, "The thong has ended, but the malady lingers on."


In today's Temple paper I read that the guy who is believed to have invented

"auto-correct" has died.  Sad.  May he restroom in piece.


Speaking of someone famous who has died, I understand that the weatherman who invented the system of heat index temperature concept - anyway he passed on last June.   He was 83 years old - but he felt like 92.


My favorite groaner happened after the hurricane hit New Orleans a few years back. ?That was the one where people were living in the football stadium  - and the dikes broke swamping much of the town.  That happens when you build below sea level.  Anyway, the TV news gal was interviewing different people.

She wanted to know how the neighborhoods looked - did the schools get messed up - and those type of questions.  Much moaning and groaning - as it should have been. The reporter asked this one heavy set lady, "What about churches?"  

The response: "I don't know much about that.  Most of my friends go to Popeyes."  I swear that is a true story.  It must be.  I found it on the internet.


Monday, July 15, 2024


 I wonder how all of this will play out - Trump being shot.  FYI:  I plan to vote for Trump when the time comes.  Now you know which side of the fence I am on.  Definitely I am not a "mugwump."  Look that one up if you don't remember it from H.S. history class.

There is something you see at times - in front of stores as advertisement.  It is the piece of cloth that is attached to a big blower and it flops back and forth.  The big tall tube man.  You can look these up on Amazon.  Tube men come in all sorts of different figures.  Santa, Halloween, Valentines, just colors like red/blue/ green, -- they flop about and get your attention.  I suppose some might think they were a bit spooky.

Not me.  I have bought a blower and an Uncle Sam Tube man - 10 ft tall.  They come in 5 ft, 8 ft., 10 foot, 20 foot (actually feet, just thought foot sounded more appropriate).

So we set the thing out front for the Fourth of July.   It flopped about and - I thought - look really cute.


Well, tonight I ordered a new one.  It is a Tube Man that looks like Trump.  When it arrives, I will put it out on an appropriate day.   Nobody will wonder what my affiliation is.  Trump flopping about in my front yard.  Of course, it could insult somebody.  Could.

On the news tonight, I heard that after the shooting, people were wearing the MAGA hats in San Francisco without being mugged.   There you go!!

more later, 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

quickie - instant ink

 I  bought a new HP printer last year.  It came with free ink which was to be mailed to me.  2-3 months later I got some ink.  And I am in a subscription program for more ink.  I haven't seen any since the first delivery.  I cannot believe this is a scam.  but I sure have wasted a lot of money (some money) on ink delivery that never comes.

Went to their website and issued a hundred or so complaints explaining I didn't understand the program.

I downgraded to their $1.49 a month plan.  Now I ask meself why I am doing that when I can get ink at walmart.   Apparently my printer needs to be connected to the wifi.  I thought it was.  It's not.

Can you read frustration here.  I was not raised with computers.  I don't want to spend my time learning. I just want to use the machine.

I'm through fussing.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Life is hard sometimes - another misc.

We have all had tough times.  Sometimes I wonder if mine are in retribution for some of the stupid things I've done in my life.  Opposite of "a reward."  Nevertheless, this cannot be true.  It's a bit conceited to think that all things everywhere happen because of me.  Am I the center of the Universe?

Let's say that one of my children has a car wreck.  That's on them.  It is not because I spit off a bridge when I was 37 yrs old and splattered the engineer's face on a passing train.  If I am to be punished for my stupidity / actions in the past, other people won't have to suffer.  That makes sense.  Karma !!  while it slaps me in the face, it shouldn't affect others.  Should it?  I'm not sure I really have faith in the Karma thing anyway.


Son Roger & wife Penney just returned from cruising the waters near Italy & Greece.  They sent back hundreds of photos.  I am so jealous.  What  a great trip.  Lesson to be learned, if you can find the money and time, take these adventures while you still can.  At 83, I have certain problems that interfere (and I'm not just talking money).  I believe my last big trip was to Lubbock to see a Granddot graduate from h.s.  It was worth the trip.


We've had a bit of a tough week around here.  My wife wouldn't like me talking about her; but, here goes a little bit.  Last Tuesday early afternoon she called out to me from her recliner.  I went.  She was sitting there just shaking.  Said she was cold.  I got her up and back in bed, covered.  She slowly regained her composure.  After much thinking, "we" took her to see our doctor.   He examined her and found nothing that might have caused the problem.  Yes, I think her brain had a temporary short circuit somehow.  Went home.

On Wed. I started to walk into the bedroom and there she was on the floor.  She had lost her balance and fell.  We talked.  She was wide awake and knew what was happening.  She had bumped the back of her head.  I checked and found a big knot back there.  It was a major project, but  I got her off the floor and into bed.  Then I called a daughter who hurried home from work.  We got the wheel chair out - loaded her in the car - and went to the E.R. in Temple arriving about 3:30 or 4, July 3rd.  

I was concerned about the head injury; the daughter was worried about a possible infection.  We were there for around 3 hours with some very nice doctors - nurses - other staff. My only complaint was a security guy at the front door that made me take my 1 1/2" pen knife back to my car.  I was dangerous.  Just doing his job.   He smiled anyway.

All sorts of blood tests and other liquids, Xray of head, neck, spine, hips.   Can't wait to see this bill.  She checked out with nothing broken but, yes, the daughter was right.  She had an infection.  After much to do, we left.  The wife was very unstable.  We had to lift her back into the car.   It was not pleasant at the time or when we got home.  It's not that she weighs a lot.  It is hard on me to pick up that much weight.

It was done.  Back in bed.  New pill taken.

I believe all old people are stubborn.  I am.  She is.  I had to pick her up off the floor 3 more times in the next 12 hours as she slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom.  She just WOULDN'T ask for help.  Still won't.   Her legs didn't work right.  We had several big dog beds on the floor so she never hit anything.

Long story short.  She has had her last pill.  Infection conquered.  She is moving - still a bit unstable at time.  We are making progress in the health world.  I hope none of you have to pick your wife up off the floor and back into bed.  I guess that is why I am here on this Earth right now.  I don't think it is Karma.  Logically, she has been a bit unhappy this week.  It's not her Karma.  She is close to perfect in her life.

I'll close.  Looking forward to what comes next.  Not really.


p.s.  I am a Republican.  Have been for several years.  I'm not a 100% Trump fan; but, I believe he is a lot better than the alternative.  Try to not get into politics here.  Just felt it was necessary to say.  Y'all take care now.

Post p.s.   If you are a regular to my world, you may have noticed that all advertisements are gone.  I thought they were distracting - ugly - U G L Y - you ain't got no alibi.  They were distracting and and and didn't seem to fit my world.  Maybe they'll return someday.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


 It is time for my Fetish report.

1st of all, all these years since I learned the word "Fetish" I have suffered under the wrong definition.  C'mon, you  have all been here with me.  You hear a word & put it in the vocab.  You blossom with the new found expressive word.  A word you use and never know you are wrong.  That's me here.   My wife one time started using a couple of common expressions (me too nice to recite them here).  After hearing one of them sprout from her mouth at church, I told her to quit using them.  I explained what they meant - or what "I thought they meant."  The expressions were gone.

That's where I am with Fetish.  I thought it meant you had a thing for a certain object.  Let's say:  chocolate milkshakes.   So I had a "Fetish" for "chocolate milkshakes."    A love for .. craving .. want .. you get the picture.  They are good.  Wendy's has that chocolate thing.  It is SOOOO good.   Then there are those DQ things which they turn upside down to show the thickness.  Yum is the word.

I don't get em anymore - the diabetes thing has thrown me off track.

Still, I thought that was the definition.  Wrong.  Aren't smart phones marvelous?  I was just thumbing through the thing a month or so ago, & saw the definition of fetish.  I was wrong.  You go look it up.  Apparently it has to do with that three letter word  (whisper softly)  S ...  E ..  X  I'm sure you have heard that word.  So if I had a fetish for chocolate milk shakes, it was in a (whisper again) sexish way.  That's a bit weird.  Can't say I know how to explain that any further.

I remember there was this movie about a black detective who would make out with a girl.   Then the sheet would come up and he would see her toes - all knotty and lumpy --- he would come unglued.  The fact that he was black has no bearing on this...I say that for the people who were offended by my use of the description.  Get a Life.  At the end of the movie he met a girl with beautiful toes.   Now, was that a foot/toe fetish?  I'm thinking so.   

Knee caps.  I've always felt there were no ugly knee caps.   Heels of the foot, real problems for some.   Noses, you knows it.    Chocolate shakes, think not. I'm not going to review my entire vocabulary list. Just learn to forgive me when I use some word or expression wrong.

A trombone player in one of my classes did something in bad taste.  I fussed at him.  He responded, "My bad."   I said, "Yes you are when you do something like this."  Wonder if I missed the definition on that one.   Use to say  daffi-nition for funny things.  He wasn't funny.  Jerk trombone player playing to the 17 yr old crowd.

Moving on.

Hope you had a fun 4th.  I was a tad bit disappointed when my neighbors to the north failed to put on a firework display this year.  Guess they went somewhere else.  I wasn't invited.

later, M3  

Sunday, June 23, 2024

LOST asleep

 I woke the other morning actually remembering my dream.  That happens rarely.  Normally, I remember for a moment, and, then, whammo, it's gone.    Do you like that "whammo?"  I thought it added just a bit of class.

So I was driving down hwy 95  = no wait, hwy 59, headed home.  Daylight.  I pulled into this small town.  Suddenly I wasn't on 59 anymore.  Apparently I had missed my turn.  Where and when?  I didn't know.  In real life, I would have made the U-turn and gone looking.  But, this is a dream.  I stopped the car and got out.  I'll ask someone.  The street had sorta hit a dead-in.  IN front of me was a business.  I opened the door and entered.

down the hall!!!!  There was a desk   - make that cluttered desk with nobody around.  I backed up a couple of steps into the hall & there was another to the right.  I went into another office.  Nobody's home.  I passed through and ended up on a front porch.  There were cars driving by and a couple people sitting on the porch.

I figured to ask questions.  Remember this is a dream.  I asked and nobody really answered.  I walked off the porch towards the street.  Cars were passing.  In the distance I could hear and eventually see lots of cars on another street - big trucks too.  I figured this must be 59.  So I started walking towards it.  In real life, I might have driven my car; but noooooooo.  Before I could get to the hwy I had to climb down a enormous pile of big boulders.  As I did, a path opened up.

I was lost.  I had no idea how to find my car.  There was no Hwy 59.  People walked past me as if I didn't exist.  I was lost and had no idea what to do.

I'll tell  you what it made me think of  (bad English sentence structure).  You hear of old people who have dementia getting lost - walking off and not knowing how to find home.  They just keep going.  No money. No food.  No help.  Just lost.  Where was my car?  Where was Hwy 59.  I had no idea.  I just kept walking until.....

I woke up.

The dream really bothered me.  You might say it scared me a bit - not for myself, but some other people I know who have touches of dementia.  Recently there was an elderly gent in Belton who always went walking in the afternoon.  He had a route.  It was not long.  He'd be gone for a half hour or so.  Then, one day he did not return.  A few days later he was found dead beside the local creek.  Lost and dead.

The dream bothered me.   Maybe it was the chili and beans I had as a snack before bedtime.  I do love chili and beans.

See ya guys around.


p.s.  I added the Adsense to my blog to see how rich I could become.  I have removed it.  I didn't like the way it made the blog look and feel  I don't need money that bad.  Maybe I'll ad it back someday.  Just not this week......

Friday, June 14, 2024

seal & rock

 My promised bluggy on Fetishes will have to wait.

a quickie instead (or is THAT a fetish)

Our housing development - for 2 days - has experience road work.  I appreciate what they are doing and will never complain about the work.

They are putting a sealant on our roads - looks a bit like oil to me - and covering it with a layer of gravel.  They say, "we'll be back in a week to sweep up all the extra rock."  Meanwhile, slow down and don't throw rocks into your neighbor's windshield.  


For a normal household, this is a nothing.  But, if you have DOGS!!!!  it is an adventure.  Our dogs are getting their heart rates up.  Every time a truck passes - a worker saunters by - a giant rock truck rumbles through the neighborhood.  Doesn't matter.  We gotta bark.  I think there is a country song with that title.  
My wife says it is a good thing I am deaf, because I can't hear all the noise.

I admit, my hearing aids are resting on the bathroom cabinet.  You do what you can do.   You don't fuss about what you can't fix (border issues included).   You are thankful when it is OVER!!!!

Now, at noon, the dogs are napping.  I'm guessing my wife is into her 2nd nap.  The roads are done.  They look beautiful.  The trash truck has come and gone.  All that is left is that neighbor yokel who walks his 3 big dogs about 4:30.  School is out, no buses till August.  All is well.

smiley face :)     


Monday, June 10, 2024


 I'm not really aghast at anything.  Just wanted you to know that I am capable of being aghast.   Wait, maybe I am aghast.

Went to HEB, our favorite grocery store of course.  Unloading the groceries at home later I found a cold power-type can drink named Ghosts - red berry flavor.  I suppose it is really good.  I didn't buy it.  It was in our grocery sack.  I think, perhaps, I did pay for it.  $5.18 out of the ice box at the store.  I've always heard of people putting food in other people's buggies.  A Joke?  Not funny McGee.  My plan was to take it back with the receipt and get a refund (next week when we go again).  But, my oldest decided she wanted a taste.  Old commercial: Feed it to Mikey.  He'll eat anything.

She liked it.  Now I have an empty Ghosts can.  Can't return an empty can - for cash refund.  Learned a lesson.

Side Note:  was in Walmart yesterday and found a can of Ghosts on the shelf for $2.18.  I bought one and brought it home for the child.  Now, she knows she can get them at Walmart.  Ghosts is loaded with caffeine.  

So ---- I am aghast at the person who decided to put the can in my basket.  AGHAST!!!


I have noticed that certain titles (see title above) seem to get more readers.  We'll see how aghast works out this week.

I've been planning a discourse on the word "Fetish."  That should bring in some readers.

Had my 6 months diabetes doctor appt. last week.  A1C is setting at 6.0.  This is really good for me.  In 2008 when I started this diabetic journey, I think it was in the 20s.  I was not a well person.  My doc in Corsicana put me on Metformin - 4 pills a day.  The number dropped and we were happy.  Now I do 2 pills a day.

This doc has put me on Ozempic - almost wrote Olympic - He believes it is helping me keep the number low.  Ozempic, as you may know, also will help you lose weight.  I actually gained some this past 6 months.  Go figure.

The doc wants me to go walking more.  Get exercise.   I explained it wasn't happening due to my bad knees.  After some discussion - he suggested a    {stationery, stationary}    bike.  I can't spell that word & spell check didn't pick up on it.  I'll give you both words and you can circle the one you prefer.  BIKE.  I started looking and found several in the $120 to $250 range which looked good.  Kept looking.  One for over $6000.  C'mon.  For an uninspired exercise human, you want $6 grand?  Kept looking.  There it was... one of those small things that set on the floor and weigh about 8 lbs.  $45 tops.  Table top device.   Bought it.  Thanks Amazon.  

Now it is on the floor in front of a chair on top of a small carpet to keep it in place.  Maybe tomorrow I start pumping on it.  Better yet, Wednesday.  No recumbent bike for me.


We have a fairly large yard...front & back.  Bushes and the like are scattered here and there in addition to the veggie garden out back.  We have dogs - 3.  Are you following me?  And we have a rabbit, not domesticated.  There may be 2 or more rabbits.  I don't know.  The rabbit apparently likes to roam the front and back yards - other places I suppose.  He leaves his scent everywhere. Two of our dogs are worked up about this - obsessed, you might say.    They will go out and search for hours -- smelling -- looking.  They almost caught it one morning.  That would be sad.  Our rabbit has found entrances in-out of the yard.

Dogs go out.  They come back in hot and bothered, tongues hanging out to the floor.  Panting.  I've caught them hunting in the middle of the night.  Obsessed.  My wife is obsessed with chocolate.  I've caught her looking for chocolate.  Of course, I have no obsessions  (wait till the Fetish blog comes out).

One final thing.  Our shark died.  He was about 4 inches long.  Pretty little red finned thing.  He did have a terrible attitude when it came to the other fish.  Snippy critter.   The other fish are glad he's gone.   Told me so.

later, mtz  

Friday, May 24, 2024


 There is the 7 year itch - married couples desiring to not be ...

That 's not it.  My palm itches.  Look it up.  When your palm itches, somebody is going to give you money.  I wish they would hurry.

This must be scientific.

Speaking of old wives tales (stories, not tails).  I was working a concession stand once with some band parents.  We had this big tub of Cokes and assorted drinks.  When the night wore down, one mother started to throw all the cold drinks in the trash.  She said once they were cooled down, they lose their bubbles.  Without thinking, I muttered, "I never did believe that old wives tale."  And, I started moving them into storage.  Sometimes, not always, my mouth speaks before the brain does.  

Now that I look back, I remember the mom having a shocked look on her face.  I had insulted her.  Suppose that wasn't the first for me - or maybe the last.  My oldest brother Marshall once told me that he was surprised that someone had not flattened me by now.   

As I look back, there are several things I wish I hadn't said or done.  Since I am not on a 7 or 10 step program to improve, I guess I'll let them go.

Final word.  We have had a lot of rain in a short period of time.  You don't walk across my yard; 

you slosh across it.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

King Solomon

When I was a kid, we went to the picture show (movies) to see King Solomon's Mine.  Frankly, I cannot remember a thing about it.  Must have been good.  At the time, King Solomon was just an old king somewhere who had a gold - silver - jewel ?? mine.  People fought over it.  African natives got really upset when the hero tried to find it and exploit.  Now that I thinks on it.  That could have been a Tarzan movie.  He was such a hero.                  {cue:  Tarzan yell}

So, this week, sitting on my own throne, while reading the spring edition of Biblical Archaeology Review - a magazine truly enjoyed - naturally I read the article "Solomon's Egyptian Bride" by Philip D. Stern.  What caught my eye in JUST the first paragraph, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3).  I quote the article, "surely an exaggeration."  

The article wanted to talk about how remarkable it was that King Solomon had aligned himself with the Egyptians who, apparently, never farmed off their daughters to other kings.

What I wanted to read about was the 700 wives and 300 concubines.  Think about that for awhile.  Aside from the old mother-in-law narrative. this whole concept is full of questions:

Where did they stay?  

Was there a house mother or eunuch?  

Who remembers their names?  

How do you feed that many?  

Did they form an all girls choir?

Hair brushes, lip stick, unmentionables, fingernail polish, the list, the list, the list.  

Were they jealous of each other and/or the concubines?  Or were they happy to have the competition in order to avoid meeting up with the old boy?

Can you just see the problems.   He tromps into the dorm and announces, "Tonight I want Sarah # 79 in my chambers.   Concubine #233 shall come tomorrow night."  I imagine he had a eunuch announce all that for him.  What was the life expectancy of an eunuch?  The questions never end.

With a thousand nightly possibilities, he could have visited each female only once in a 3 year period of time.  Or did he have favorites?  Delilah #13.  What a gal!!  Then Jeannie #47 with the light brown hair!!

They say Solomon was renowned for his wisdom.  I would like to say that I wonder.  I truly wonder about anyone who is married to that many women.  Possibly he had a system to take care of the nagging wife.  Should I continue with this?  Nah.  Me thinks I'll let this sleeping dog - lie.

You can add your questions to the comment section below.


Monday, May 6, 2024


" Rin "

Bad Spell of Rain


Texas has had a bad spell of rain lately.


Rain Rain 

Go Away

Come Again

Maybe tomorrow would be okay; we do need to get Stillhouse Hollow Lake filled up before the summer heat arrives.  Summer Heat?  Well, yes.  

Spring has sprung.

Fall has fell.

Summer's coming; 

And, it will be hot as ....

pretty dang hot in my opinion.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Pot Pourri OR Pot Pouring Misc. (smiley face)

😏   I made a list:

Purple Color.  sorta jazzes up that page, doesn't it ?

So far this morning, I have received 5 - FIVE - count them:  1-2-3-4-5, Yes, 5 phone calls asking me if I want to sell my rent house in Waxahachie.  This goes on all the time.  Daily.  It only stops on certain weekends and certain holidays.  Not all holidays and weekends are exempt.

I have two theories:   1.  Many callers demonstrate that our English language is a 2nd language for them. Their accents are profound.  That in itself is not always a negative.  I've found when kids are taught to speak English by their "English as a 2nd language" parents, these students have accents.  When a child learns to speak English in the 1st grade by teachers, they have no accent.  So, what do I learn from these calls?  Probably nothing.  I think they are calling me from China, Pakistan, India, or other places.   Boiler room callers with robocall machines...  Yes, I am rude to them.

    2.  Some hot shot in Dallas or Austin runs a real estate investment class every weekend.  You pay me $$$ & I'll teach you how to make a million in real estate just like I did...and, someday, maybe you'll have your own radio show which you can use to bilk $$$ from other non-suspecting poor souls.  "Now, run down to the Ellis County Courthouse and look up homes that are not protected from the Homestead Act."  "Call these owners on Monday morning."  "Buy a robo-whatever telephone machine and learn how to hide your own phone number..."

I am so TIRED of these calls.  If I were going to sell this rental, I'd never do it over the phone.  Why?  Why?  I ask thee?


Moving on...  Walked in here this morning between calls and turned on my computer.  Nothing happened.  No lights, no hum, no nuthin.  The monitor worked just fine.  With much effort, I lowered myself to the floor and began plugging / unplugging wires.  I was looking for a breaker/fuse on my machine.  Maybe 15 minutes passed.  I wrote my son a text asking questions:  take it to the shop?  just buy a new one?  It is 6-10 years old.  I cannot remember when it was bought.  I sent 3 different messages within a couple of minutes - no reply - he's at work - I struggled to lift myself off the floor and collapsed in my rolling chair.  Sigh.  As I arose, as a passing thought, I hit the button again.  

It turned on.

Why?  Why?  I ask thee?   You can see by this missive that things are working.  I may never understand computers  - or females for that matter - or coaches - or Putin.


Have I written about the Eclipse?  We saw it.  Sat in backyard with our necks craned upwards.  The clouds parted.  There it was.  Fascinating.  Equally, none of the disasters predicted in Texas happened.  No big traffic jams.  You could still buy milk and gas.  We had our solar glasses and were just fine.  Locally, there is this girl who wants us to give up our old solar glasses.  She is going to collect them & send to South America for the next eclipse - whenever that is down there.  Don't know.  Not going.  Been here and done that.


When we bought this house 3 years ago, the yard was pretty.  Nice grass.  Now, it is not.  I cannot get ahead of the weeds.  I suppose it is possible to get too old to weed the yard.  Pay somebody?   You must be richer than this retired teacher.  I'm keeping my extra dough for things like ......  milk and gas  .........   It would be nice.  Maybe I'll win one of the lotteries.  Could happen.

Reminds me, I've figured out one of the things I'm gonna do with my billions when I win the lottery.  I am going to build a home and entertainment center for retired teachers - uhh, no, I mean retired music teachers.  Art teachers can build their own.  Well, maybe, them too.  Each teacher would have their own apartment w/ bath and little kitchen.  There would be a commons area with large kitchen - a music room with a grand piano  - a theater room for TV watching - maybe even a stage for recitals - keep cheap rent etc.  What a grand place for retired teachers who can't afford a big house anymore.


if you like to read the obits in the newspaper every morning, would this habit be called Obitual?


got a haircut Friday.  My last haircut was in November.  I was getting a bit burly.  But, the guy in Nov. whacked it so short, it took a while to grow out.  Old men don't grow hair truly fast anymore, & there is that hole showing in the back of my head.  When you have big ears like me, you like longer hair to help cover them.  Nobody likes to be called Dumbo.  So, I talks to the barber & tried to explain how I didn't want it as short.  I even reasoned that longer means I come back in more often.

He seemed to get it.  The barber cut my hair this time with scissors only.  clip clip clip  It took a bit longer.  clip clip clip.  When it was all over, my hair was just as short as November & he charged me $2 extra for the scissor work.  I am now beautiful.  I figure it will be September before I need another.   Just call me Curls - or Dumbo.  I can handle the abuse.  He was a nice barber.  I liked him.  

My maternal grandfather made his living as a barber.  When he lived in Kaw City, Okla., he had an older barber chair in the backyard that was fun to play on.  Climb on and get spinned around and around.  Jump off and stagger around the yard.  Good times had by all.  Spell check doesn't like the word "spinned."  They think I meant "Sinned."  Well, there might have been some of that too.


Speaking of hair dooos.   I part mine on the right side.  There are not many of us in the world who do that.  Look it up on Google.  Interestingly, Google has articles about that very thing.  It seems that people who part on the left side are consider more manly than those on the right side.  They said other stuff too.  Go figure.  All these years, I didn't know that.  .   .    .   probably the reason I didn't play football or basketball in high school.   Probably.  

Let's close this out.  Y'all have fun tonight.  

FYI  i have had 6 calls today to buy my Waxahachie house.  They never give it up.  I wouldn't sell to these people even if I had financial stress & needed to - bad English sentence structure, but factual.   

Leaf me alone


Saturday, April 13, 2024

fortune cookie

When I eat Chinese, I always read my fortune cookie.  Always.  I have found that fortune cookies do not give your fortune.  I have a collection of paper "fortunes."  One of my long-term plans is to list these somewhere.  Someday.

Today, I got this one which I promptly read to my daughter (who is pushing 60).

"If you wish for good advice, consult your mom."

Works for me.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

I can handle...

 I can handle disappointment.  No need for counseling.

I did not win the 1.3 billion Powerball.

As a matter of fact, I had no winning numbers.  Not one.  Usually, I hit at least one number.  It might not be worth any money, but I get at least one number.  one.

Winner in Oregon.  What does someone in Oregon need with that kind of money?  That was a question.  It's okay.  I can handle it.

Next time, I plan to go to a Chinese restaurant - get the fortune cookie - and play that number.  A sure winner.

Now, I am going to put in a sad smiley face.😞


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

One Billion Dollars

 Tonight - Powerball - 1 billion dollars

Can you imagine having a billion?  Sure, I bought a ticket.  As son says, I paid my lottery tax.  Even though it is a billion, if you want money right now, it'll be about 500 million.  At my age, 30 yearly payments to equal a billion, doesn't make real sense does it?   

What to do with 500 Mil?  I could sit here and make a list.  Money given to charity.  Lots of charities out there.  Buy a new car.  Build a bigger house.  Take a cruise to Alaska.  Give all my relatives a million or so.  Why not?  The list is endless.

I was talking to the nice lady who sold me my ticket.  She said her father says, if he wins the money, he plans to build a home for retired preachers - in Tyler.  Tyler is the "kicker" in the story.  Why Tyler?

This would be a nice thing to do.  I have taught in seven different schools...maybe 8.  I could give a gift to each of their band parent organizations.  I would have to think twice about a couple of the schools.  They made me mad.    Then, there is the Texas Tech band program.  And Levelland High School - my alma mater.  Or I could turn it into $1 bills - fill my mattress and sleep on it.

Steaks every night?  You'd tire of them after a while.  Hire a personal cook.  That's a thought.  OOOOOO  OOOOOO  OOOOO  a sizable gift to my C.P.A. and attorney and stock broker.  I have always wanted to own a string of storage companies...   Apartment houses...  See my previous post, I'll change my name and run for President.  I'd like to own a kite.  Where can I get one of these?

cars - charitable gifts - trips - gifts to relatives - leave $20 bills in library books - 

There is no end to this.   Later,
