Last December, I made a resolution to post more often. Now that I have messed that up, in January, I am making a resolution to post more often even if I don't feel like it.
Moving on.
No, I am not talking about Russia, China, & the good ole USA.
No, I am not talking about Cancer, Heart Disease, & Warts.
And, NO, I am not talking about Trump, Polunkski, and/or Biden.
This list could be extended for several pages. Make your own list of Your Big Three. Let's see what you come up with . . , The, And, & You Know . . . Football, Baseball, & Basketball . . . Roast Beef, Pork Chops, & Fried Chicken . . . Easter, Christmas, & Thanksgiving (with a nod to the 4th of July) . . . Christians, Jews, & Muslims
We could go on with this for hours: Rain, Snow, & Hail You get my drift here.
My big three:
I live in a nice little neighborhood / housing development. You can look it up online - love the title - Amity Estates. Not Amityville, just Amity Estates. I understand that our HOA has a new website going up yesterday or thereabout. There is a facebook page too.
It's a nice area. As of this year, the development is "built out." This means that all lots have houses. There will be no more building here. Of course in our associated close-by village - Salado - many many many more developments have been started. These houses are not mansions. They're just nice little, over-priced homes with grass and few trees. I'm getting to the big 3.
We moved here about 2 years back in a house that was probably built 5 years ago. It is fine. We're happy. Now, that is the rub. Sometimes we are not happy. You sit back in your easy chair, relaxing your eyes. They flutter shut. There is a hint of a mild snore. All three dogs (ANOTHER BIG 3) have settled down for their afternoon nap. Anna, Bella, and my own Sadie. Sadie has a cushion by the front door and keeps a look out for killers and muggers and teenagers (3).
All relaxed. Settling down. At rest (3)
ALL OF A SUDDEN, YES - ALL YOU KNOW WHAT BREAKS LOOSE. The dogs have seen, smelled, or sensed (big 3) movement outside. Let the barking begin. Anna, the big girl, has the biggest bark. It could cause deafness in the more fragile. The other two have annoying barks. I'M SURE their sounds reverberate around the front porch before reaching the ears of .... you may have guessed it .... One of the Big Three.
Our neighborhood - being fairly new - is prime resource for companies who want more money. They are a bit wrong about Amity Estates. On the average, someone comes to my front door at least 3 times or more per week. Are you getting it yet?
Today, my front door visitor: Two fairly young, good looking men with matching shirts and a small computer in the left hand. I stepped outside and said, "No, I do not want my roof shingled; or my house treated for bugs; and I do not want to place solar panel thingys on my roof." They both smiled, and we had a nice conversation about me having too many salesmen trampling down my front sidewalk.
They moved on to the house across the street. I stepped back into the house to try and shush my vicious animals. My wife came out of the bedroom and said that she had really enjoyed her non-nap. I put my trusty 45 back in the drawer. And - I use this word too often - And, we both tried to settle back in before the next visitor arrives.
An Aside: last week I was visited by 2 different young ladies from the Salado M.S. Band selling World's Finest Chocolate (and girl scout cookies). This is different to me and happened after nap time.
To sum it up, I will add the 4th Biggie. I get phone calls DAILY of people who want to buy either this house or my Rent house. Each promises big money. I did that type of work back in the 80s. But, I only called people who had FSBO (for sale by owner) listed in the paper. They were willing to stop and listen to me. That experience is a completely different stone for a later date.
I close now because ANNA is in the back yard barking at the school bus. I think it is time for her to come inside and nap more.
Thanks for visiting and listening. "Hey, would somebody grab that ringing phone?"