You may have figured it out by the messages in the previous two bluggys; we have just returned from a trip to Lubbock to see Penney & Roger and 3 grd-girls. Also had supper with Pat one evening. All-in-all it was an enjoyable trip taken up by our 5 dogs and their 3 - plus the girl's activities - and cold weather. Wherefore art thou spring?
Roger has built an enormous Pergola on the back of his house - impressive for sure.
So we got home last night after dark and ran the dogs to the pit for their duty. Our boy Fritz has developed a high pitched bark which he screams out when he wants something - anything. We drive 6 hours on this trip and try to vary the stopping to keep the dogs in check. Somewhere south of Snyder just as we about to flow from Hwy 84 into I-30, that loud chirp is sounded. There is no place to stop as you enter the highway. We told him to hold on - he is getting a bit deaf, so you might say that fell on deaf ears. He waited till Sweetwater and delivered his "sweetwater" on an unsuspecting bush near the Chinese buffet. That was good.
That is not a bad buffet. It is cheaper than the ones in this neighborhood. They actually have oriental music playing on the overhead speakers and the owners sat around a table talking in some foreign language. I do believe I overheard one of the say Ho Chi Minh. Continuing home.....
We are on I-30 which becomes I-20 and circles Ft Worth heading towards Dallas. We exit on hwy 287 south somewhere near Arlington. This is a very busy stretch of the highway with lanes entering and departing on both sides of you no matter what lane you are holding on to....dangling participle. One and a half miles from our exit, what does Fritz yell from the back seat. He needs to Go. You cannot exit; you can't pull off the road; you can keep driving - and we did.
I don't know where it was, but somewhere on 287 south we pulled off next to an Albertson's store. Fritz and his little buddies were relieved to be relieved. We would need milk when we get home. We went into Albertson's. That was a nice store - big wide aisle - parking spaces were terrific - lots of meat and veggie choices - excellent grocery store - it is nothing like our cramped, squirrely HEB store in Corsicana. If it weren't so far, I'd love to shop in that Albertson's often - not the local HEB.
We arrived home after dark with only one more yelp by the boy - I am guessing he was telling us that 5 pm had passed and supper should be presented.
This morning the spouse went to town for more groceries and picked up my newspapers which had been saved by our deliver guy. He does a good job delivering the Dallas Morning News to our place. My next blog will include articles from the paper that I find interesting...some, anyway.
Final for today - my Texas Tech football team beat Arizona State last night 37-23. They were expected to lose by everyone including myself. You have to be proud of a team - your team - when they go out and win. It makes me almost want to go out and donate money to the athletic department - almost - won't - just like to talk big about being benevolent. That's it.
Be sure to fly high and wife.
A "STONE" is a family word for a personal story or thought, not quite an essay or short story. We moved to central Texas to be near a daughter. We are down to only one wirehair dachshund - Sadie. (Goodbye in 2021 to Oscar the ball boy and Bruno the larger twin) & my wife -- penned by a retired Texas H.S. band director - just nonsense thoughts unrelated to each other or anything other than what's happening and comments.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Furr's & Alzheimer's
Alzheimer (s) = I am having a problem with my spell check here. It won't allow me to use the letter S at the end. Instead it insist (another funny word) (insistststst) that I use the apostrophe at the end of the word, followed by the S. Thus: Alzheimer's does not show up on spell check. Whew. But doesn't that make the word "Alzheimer's" possessive? What does it possess? I am so fortuanate (oops) fortunate that I did not receive this word on a spelling test in my youth. Frankly, I was fortunate that I moved up through the grades as a child and graduated out of taking weekly spelling tests.
It makes me wonder if Alzheimer's (the word) can be plural - or is it always plural sounding. When I say the word, I put the letter T in the middle of it. Ain't no T folks. I'm wrong and have been told so locally. Now that I am stuck in this groove, I shall attempt to move forward instead around and round in a meaningless circle away from the central theme of this missive.
We ate lunch at Furr's Cafeteria (notice the possessive form of Furrs). Roger/Penney and the g-girls went. We met my wife's uncle Gordon Dale { (he goes by 2 first names-last name not listed here )-----( My wife grew up as Brenda Joy - and is now called Brenda without the Joy - is there Humor here? Her first grade class had 4 Brenda(s), so 3 were called by middle names too while the 4th went just by Brenda. ) } Believe I am circling the word wagon again. Anyway, we met Uncle Gordon Dale and his daughter and her 2 kids. Also arriving was her Uncle Kent and Aunt Doyce. Kent and Gordon Dale are brothers.
To the meat of this stone we go.
Kent has Alzheimer's. His condition is worsening. He is still functioning in public even though he does things which are a bit wrong - like shaking hands with any and everybody he meets. He seems to know some faces but is unable to recall the name. He is a friendly Alzheimer's. I would think that it is sorta like Drunks. There are friendly drunks; there are mean drunks; there are happy drunks; there are despondent drunks; drunks come in a wide variety. I assume that Alzheimer's patients come in different varieties. And you know what assume means.
Kent has been placed in a assisted living home for now. He had become a bit too much for Doyce to handle out on their farm. She moved into a duplex nearby and visits him constantly. Kent is secure in his new home.
Yesterday, she would tell him what to eat next. He seemed to like eating the brightly colored foods first. Good plan. She would not let him eat the chocolate pie until he finished his other meal. It was a great deal like eating out with a child - a friendly, happy child.
The ROLL:::::He took his roll and put it in his breast pocket. It seems that in the past, Kent always took the roll home to feed the birds. In his present situation, they do not want them bringing back food. Doyce had him remove the roll three different times. Finally, she took it away from him. He did look puzzled to me. Interesting.
LAST BIT:::::Kent plays dominoes. I understand he is quite good and rarely loses. Non-domino players may not know that you play by adding up the dots to make scores. Scoring is with anything that is divisible by 5 = 5, 10,15,20,25 etc. For him to play dominoes, he has to be able to do this addition in his head. Gordon Dale goes down weekly and plays with Kent. Rarely can GD beat Kent. That is my question. How does a person who cannot remember names or to keep the roll out of his pocket - how does he play dominoes? I am not trying to make fun here. To me it is fascinating.
Obviously it must be a different part of the brain that works this function. I find that to be quite interesting. I am too old to go back to school and study this subject with any great degree. I've heard of Alzheimer's patients who would sit and play piano. I'm sure some of my dear readers have heard of others. You can put them in the comments below if you wish. Just curious, I am (Yoda speaking here)
moving on, later
It makes me wonder if Alzheimer's (the word) can be plural - or is it always plural sounding. When I say the word, I put the letter T in the middle of it. Ain't no T folks. I'm wrong and have been told so locally. Now that I am stuck in this groove, I shall attempt to move forward instead around and round in a meaningless circle away from the central theme of this missive.
We ate lunch at Furr's Cafeteria (notice the possessive form of Furrs). Roger/Penney and the g-girls went. We met my wife's uncle Gordon Dale { (he goes by 2 first names-last name not listed here )-----( My wife grew up as Brenda Joy - and is now called Brenda without the Joy - is there Humor here? Her first grade class had 4 Brenda(s), so 3 were called by middle names too while the 4th went just by Brenda. ) } Believe I am circling the word wagon again. Anyway, we met Uncle Gordon Dale and his daughter and her 2 kids. Also arriving was her Uncle Kent and Aunt Doyce. Kent and Gordon Dale are brothers.
To the meat of this stone we go.
Kent has Alzheimer's. His condition is worsening. He is still functioning in public even though he does things which are a bit wrong - like shaking hands with any and everybody he meets. He seems to know some faces but is unable to recall the name. He is a friendly Alzheimer's. I would think that it is sorta like Drunks. There are friendly drunks; there are mean drunks; there are happy drunks; there are despondent drunks; drunks come in a wide variety. I assume that Alzheimer's patients come in different varieties. And you know what assume means.
Kent has been placed in a assisted living home for now. He had become a bit too much for Doyce to handle out on their farm. She moved into a duplex nearby and visits him constantly. Kent is secure in his new home.
Yesterday, she would tell him what to eat next. He seemed to like eating the brightly colored foods first. Good plan. She would not let him eat the chocolate pie until he finished his other meal. It was a great deal like eating out with a child - a friendly, happy child.
The ROLL:::::He took his roll and put it in his breast pocket. It seems that in the past, Kent always took the roll home to feed the birds. In his present situation, they do not want them bringing back food. Doyce had him remove the roll three different times. Finally, she took it away from him. He did look puzzled to me. Interesting.
LAST BIT:::::Kent plays dominoes. I understand he is quite good and rarely loses. Non-domino players may not know that you play by adding up the dots to make scores. Scoring is with anything that is divisible by 5 = 5, 10,15,20,25 etc. For him to play dominoes, he has to be able to do this addition in his head. Gordon Dale goes down weekly and plays with Kent. Rarely can GD beat Kent. That is my question. How does a person who cannot remember names or to keep the roll out of his pocket - how does he play dominoes? I am not trying to make fun here. To me it is fascinating.
Obviously it must be a different part of the brain that works this function. I find that to be quite interesting. I am too old to go back to school and study this subject with any great degree. I've heard of Alzheimer's patients who would sit and play piano. I'm sure some of my dear readers have heard of others. You can put them in the comments below if you wish. Just curious, I am (Yoda speaking here)
moving on, later
Saturday, December 28, 2013
maybe boy howdy was a bit too strong
So, therefore, and, but - the Cors Swing Orch did not have a job in December to play. Not that we always have a job every month, but y'd think something would appear around Christmas or New Years. Not this year. The band was alone in its thoughts. Our biz manager - I think of him as our leader - lives in the town of Teague, TX. It is about 30-45 minutes from Corsicana, south. Jerry and his wife Brenda, our singer, drive down from Teague every 2 weeks for a rehearsal.
I don't believe anyone plays in this band for the money. They certainly don't. We just like to get together and play. This would be a perfect opportunity to describe each member of the band - I shall let that opportunity slip through my fingers tonight. As mentioned in the previous bluggy, we rehearsed on Tuesday night. We had a job on Thursday night in Teague.
The band had no place to play so Jerry & Brenda went to their local folks and dreamed up a dance for Teague with the proceeds going to the local historical society (hysterical is funnier to say - but that might offend). They sold tickets to the dance - had some refreshments - and created a silent auction for the evening.
All in all it was a fun night. Few danced a lick. Their toes were tapping, and they were swaying in the breeze to the beat of the band. Some parent - I don't know who - had their 3 elementary age kids there. Why? I don't know. All night, those kids were jumping around, faux dancing, turning cartwheels. I suppose if you knew the kids or their parents - or, let's say, even liked children, you might have enjoyed their continual enthusiasm. It was tiring to me - but I am a fuddy duddy.
We played a couple of hours of Christmas music and traditional swing music for the crowd with a short break in the middle. Refreshments were in the next room - some type of punch with floating ice cubes and a galore of cookies. For me, a bit of cheese or lunch meat chunks would have been excellent. That would have cut into their profits for the night, which must have been low.
Pretty much it. Played music and watched the participants not participate (except the elementary aged kids ). I did suggest that next year, if we want dancers, we might just invite the entire elementary school. I shouldn't complain about that at all - had I been in the audience, watching would have been my cup of tea too.
If any of you have some money, the band would love to play for your gig. The music is good. The folks are friendly; and, I can tell you, the band will appreciate your check book and having an audience. Not that we always play for money. Sometimes, we end up at an old folks home - or one of those assisted living places - putting on a free concert for an hour. It gives us practice; and they seem to enjoy it. I can tell you: it is more fun to play for folks than to sit at home watching another duck dynasty episode. I just wish that I could play better. Age has taken its toll - not to mention lack of serious practice. And, I can't believe it, I get just down right nervous if I have to play any type of solo. That shouldn't be; but, it is.
Y'all take care of things now - a belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year.
I don't believe anyone plays in this band for the money. They certainly don't. We just like to get together and play. This would be a perfect opportunity to describe each member of the band - I shall let that opportunity slip through my fingers tonight. As mentioned in the previous bluggy, we rehearsed on Tuesday night. We had a job on Thursday night in Teague.
The band had no place to play so Jerry & Brenda went to their local folks and dreamed up a dance for Teague with the proceeds going to the local historical society (hysterical is funnier to say - but that might offend). They sold tickets to the dance - had some refreshments - and created a silent auction for the evening.
All in all it was a fun night. Few danced a lick. Their toes were tapping, and they were swaying in the breeze to the beat of the band. Some parent - I don't know who - had their 3 elementary age kids there. Why? I don't know. All night, those kids were jumping around, faux dancing, turning cartwheels. I suppose if you knew the kids or their parents - or, let's say, even liked children, you might have enjoyed their continual enthusiasm. It was tiring to me - but I am a fuddy duddy.
We played a couple of hours of Christmas music and traditional swing music for the crowd with a short break in the middle. Refreshments were in the next room - some type of punch with floating ice cubes and a galore of cookies. For me, a bit of cheese or lunch meat chunks would have been excellent. That would have cut into their profits for the night, which must have been low.
Pretty much it. Played music and watched the participants not participate (except the elementary aged kids ). I did suggest that next year, if we want dancers, we might just invite the entire elementary school. I shouldn't complain about that at all - had I been in the audience, watching would have been my cup of tea too.
If any of you have some money, the band would love to play for your gig. The music is good. The folks are friendly; and, I can tell you, the band will appreciate your check book and having an audience. Not that we always play for money. Sometimes, we end up at an old folks home - or one of those assisted living places - putting on a free concert for an hour. It gives us practice; and they seem to enjoy it. I can tell you: it is more fun to play for folks than to sit at home watching another duck dynasty episode. I just wish that I could play better. Age has taken its toll - not to mention lack of serious practice. And, I can't believe it, I get just down right nervous if I have to play any type of solo. That shouldn't be; but, it is.
Y'all take care of things now - a belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year.
boy howdy, is this a blog cleanup misc. post
This has been quite a time since I lasted posted. I doubt I make it too funny cause it's snot. Last post had my brother's wife getting a heart transplant. I drove up there to Baylor Hospital in Dallas for the event. It was a non-event. I guess I have watched too much TV about this sorta thing. I thought the process had to be done in a blink of an eye - heart found - everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off (there is an image for you) - slap that heart in - whew we got it done in 29 min and 59 seconds, just under the 30 min deadline.
Well, folks, I am here to tell you, it takes longer than that. She went under about 11 a.m. and somewhere about 5 they called it off. The heart had looked good at the first hospital; but, upon examination at Baylor, a spot was found - melonoma - wait, that is wrong: melanomma -- not it either: melanoma. That works better. If she had received this heart, she would have cancer. Does anyone think this is a good idea?
I drove home. They woke up eventually; but it took hours to find this out.
The following week we drove down to Round Rock where my daughter was having an operation. As it turns out, it was a day surgery. The docs just get em in and shove em out the door. She is doing just fine. The day after surgery, we went shopping for a little bit; then, she got tired. Being a single lady, she needed help with her house - cooking, dog care, etc. My wife, being the mother she is, had to provide this service. I suppose the best part happened a few days later when I got to go see the Hobbit in 3D. I enjoyed same and am looking forward to the 3rd installment.
Since then, I decided I need to reread the Hobbit. I went out into the garage and found my 3 copies - two regular and an annotated edition my other daughter gave me in 1999. Since I had not read the annotated one, I have it with me now. Quite interesting all the extra stuff you learn in the annotated.
Example: in the first edition of the Hobbit, Tolkien had Bilbo go get some chicken and tomatoes for the dwarves (Tolkien's spelling of dwarfs) - in later editions it changed to chicken and pickles because tomatoes were from the new world and probably not in Bilbo's world. I find that interesting. You may not; but, then, you would be wrong. That is interesting.
I learned the dwarf spelling thing in the book too. Moving on.
reminds me - and this posting and the next will all be about rambling - we have this great recording of a Cow's Christmas with such hits as Hal-le-Moo-ya and Santa Cow, etc. Even if you don't have kids, it is a fun recording. Now, moving on.
Operation in Round Rock - our plan - go home on Monday or Tuesday - 16th, 17th. We get this message on the 16, really early, they have another heart. Well there is no way we would make it to Baylor in time to be a support group. We didn' t go. Went home on Tuesday because I had a Corsicana Swing Orchestra rehearsal preparing for an event. It was a tough practice for an old guy who had been unable to practice at all. We practiced every song at least once and did some twice and actually rehearsed on some others. It was a long tiring rehearsal.
Wednesday: packed up and went to Baylor to visit. She had come out of her stuper but = later, didn't remember our visit - later I will explain more about this. She was in ICU and the visit was short. We got Jim to go eat with us - Baylor cafeteria, not a feast for sure, but it was really pretty good and not over priced. The whole thing took quite a while - but the ole gal has a 20 year old heart thumping away. That is something.
closing now - next post will take up more junk - time to eat lunch with my wife's uncle at Furr's Cafeteria. They have good food.
Well, folks, I am here to tell you, it takes longer than that. She went under about 11 a.m. and somewhere about 5 they called it off. The heart had looked good at the first hospital; but, upon examination at Baylor, a spot was found - melonoma - wait, that is wrong: melanomma -- not it either: melanoma. That works better. If she had received this heart, she would have cancer. Does anyone think this is a good idea?
I drove home. They woke up eventually; but it took hours to find this out.
The following week we drove down to Round Rock where my daughter was having an operation. As it turns out, it was a day surgery. The docs just get em in and shove em out the door. She is doing just fine. The day after surgery, we went shopping for a little bit; then, she got tired. Being a single lady, she needed help with her house - cooking, dog care, etc. My wife, being the mother she is, had to provide this service. I suppose the best part happened a few days later when I got to go see the Hobbit in 3D. I enjoyed same and am looking forward to the 3rd installment.
Since then, I decided I need to reread the Hobbit. I went out into the garage and found my 3 copies - two regular and an annotated edition my other daughter gave me in 1999. Since I had not read the annotated one, I have it with me now. Quite interesting all the extra stuff you learn in the annotated.
Example: in the first edition of the Hobbit, Tolkien had Bilbo go get some chicken and tomatoes for the dwarves (Tolkien's spelling of dwarfs) - in later editions it changed to chicken and pickles because tomatoes were from the new world and probably not in Bilbo's world. I find that interesting. You may not; but, then, you would be wrong. That is interesting.
I learned the dwarf spelling thing in the book too. Moving on.
reminds me - and this posting and the next will all be about rambling - we have this great recording of a Cow's Christmas with such hits as Hal-le-Moo-ya and Santa Cow, etc. Even if you don't have kids, it is a fun recording. Now, moving on.
Operation in Round Rock - our plan - go home on Monday or Tuesday - 16th, 17th. We get this message on the 16, really early, they have another heart. Well there is no way we would make it to Baylor in time to be a support group. We didn' t go. Went home on Tuesday because I had a Corsicana Swing Orchestra rehearsal preparing for an event. It was a tough practice for an old guy who had been unable to practice at all. We practiced every song at least once and did some twice and actually rehearsed on some others. It was a long tiring rehearsal.
Wednesday: packed up and went to Baylor to visit. She had come out of her stuper but = later, didn't remember our visit - later I will explain more about this. She was in ICU and the visit was short. We got Jim to go eat with us - Baylor cafeteria, not a feast for sure, but it was really pretty good and not over priced. The whole thing took quite a while - but the ole gal has a 20 year old heart thumping away. That is something.
closing now - next post will take up more junk - time to eat lunch with my wife's uncle at Furr's Cafeteria. They have good food.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
I won't go into great detail here at this time. My brother's wife will be receiving a heart transplant about noon today. With all the ice in the Dallas area, it has been tough on my brother...unable to leave the hospital.....animals at home isolated by the weather ..... not that it hasn't been tough on her too....maybe more so.
They say she will be out of the hospital in a week.
Amazing!!! Isn't it amazing what they can do? Yes, you may pray for her; but, also pray for the family that had to lose someone in order to save her.
I do not know how long the operation will last. My plan is to
drive to Dallas in a couple of hours after the sun has had a while to melt the
ice on the Trinity bridge. The Dallas area is encased in ice. I know nothing else.
Short stone. Since my brother has been isolated at
the hospital, a kindly neighbor has been looking after his place and feeding his dogs and cats. The dogs
remain inside the house while the cats roam the neighborhood looking for squirrels and rats. I can only imagine the floor mess the dogs have created unless the kindly neighbor is cleaning up too.
Anyway, with all the ice and junk, this neighbor has been walking over to take
care of the animals. Imagine if you can.... she is elderly and uses a walker.
I told bro that she needed a very special Christmas gift; he agreed. A
walker on ice to feed yappy dogs. The pearly gates have opened up for that
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
poor oscar
Just when you think things will trot back to normal, something else happens. I've always pointed out - or rather asked people who were having problems: "can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?" Most times they could. I figure this helps get them through another day of problems. But, that is my take on it.
Lemme point out, I am worthless when it comes to writing this bluggy. Try as I might, my best ideas for a blog subject come to me as I first lay down in bed. Yeah, what a great subject - and then I can write about this or that or theses or thoses....Making up new words could be a good blug subject too.
I was just sitting on the back porch thinking of topics as I read today's paper when out in the yard I hear this little yelp sound. It is nothing like I normally hear. A dog yelped - or is that yelpped? Nah, stick with one "p." I glanced away from the comics and I see my little Oscar, the ball boy, skipping along. He took 2 - 3 steps then stopped to lick his right front paw. A few more steps and the same process. Then, up the hill he ran straight for me and bounced at my knee. The boy had run to me specifically.
I picked Oscar up and he licked the paw again. My first thought was snake. Had he been bit by a snake? I mashed and prodded and examined that paw - nothing. Loving on him seemed to be the best medicine. Bruno, his chubby brother, immediately began moving in to examine Oscar. Bruno could tell something was not right. Bruno started checking his twin over from top to bottom.
time passed
I grabbed a hoe and headed down the slope to look for a snake. That would be one dead snake, hurting my Oscar. Nothing. I could find nothing. I moseyed around the yard picking up two of his favorite balls. I started looking and couldn't find my boy. Where did he go? There he was, hiding on the porch under a piece of furniture. So sad.
I called him out and took him in to see the wife. We mashed, prodded, and examined - nothing. Through inside, my boy Oscar pranced outside with me again. I read the business section of the news for a moment - looked up and couldn't find him again. This time he was in a corner under the BBQ cooker. Just not right. We went inside. Oscar walked off into the computer room curling up on a pillow. For snake bites you give a dog 25 mg of benadryl. We did that for sure. 5 o'clock supper time came, he ate like it was good. The boy had no problem eating.
cut to the chase. He is hurt - maybe a strained muscle? or snake? toenail caughtr on a piece of grass? who knows? He is resting. I just cannot stand it when my children or dogs are hurt [ for my safety sake, let's add my wife's name to that list too]. It simply drives me crazy. Tomorrow will be better.
Repeating myself, so just when you think things are slowing down - immediate problems are lessening, your dog hurts his paw. C'mon, "powers-at-be," let up a little. Dogs are too innocent to be hurting.
big storm coming tomorrow. Maybe I can write about Thanksgiving then.
Lemme point out, I am worthless when it comes to writing this bluggy. Try as I might, my best ideas for a blog subject come to me as I first lay down in bed. Yeah, what a great subject - and then I can write about this or that or theses or thoses....Making up new words could be a good blug subject too.
I was just sitting on the back porch thinking of topics as I read today's paper when out in the yard I hear this little yelp sound. It is nothing like I normally hear. A dog yelped - or is that yelpped? Nah, stick with one "p." I glanced away from the comics and I see my little Oscar, the ball boy, skipping along. He took 2 - 3 steps then stopped to lick his right front paw. A few more steps and the same process. Then, up the hill he ran straight for me and bounced at my knee. The boy had run to me specifically.
I picked Oscar up and he licked the paw again. My first thought was snake. Had he been bit by a snake? I mashed and prodded and examined that paw - nothing. Loving on him seemed to be the best medicine. Bruno, his chubby brother, immediately began moving in to examine Oscar. Bruno could tell something was not right. Bruno started checking his twin over from top to bottom.
time passed
I grabbed a hoe and headed down the slope to look for a snake. That would be one dead snake, hurting my Oscar. Nothing. I could find nothing. I moseyed around the yard picking up two of his favorite balls. I started looking and couldn't find my boy. Where did he go? There he was, hiding on the porch under a piece of furniture. So sad.
I called him out and took him in to see the wife. We mashed, prodded, and examined - nothing. Through inside, my boy Oscar pranced outside with me again. I read the business section of the news for a moment - looked up and couldn't find him again. This time he was in a corner under the BBQ cooker. Just not right. We went inside. Oscar walked off into the computer room curling up on a pillow. For snake bites you give a dog 25 mg of benadryl. We did that for sure. 5 o'clock supper time came, he ate like it was good. The boy had no problem eating.
cut to the chase. He is hurt - maybe a strained muscle? or snake? toenail caughtr on a piece of grass? who knows? He is resting. I just cannot stand it when my children or dogs are hurt [ for my safety sake, let's add my wife's name to that list too]. It simply drives me crazy. Tomorrow will be better.
Repeating myself, so just when you think things are slowing down - immediate problems are lessening, your dog hurts his paw. C'mon, "powers-at-be," let up a little. Dogs are too innocent to be hurting.
big storm coming tomorrow. Maybe I can write about Thanksgiving then.
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