Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I won't go into great detail here at this time.   My brother's wife will be receiving a heart transplant about noon today.    With all the ice in the Dallas area, it has been tough on my brother...unable to leave the hospital.....animals at home isolated by the weather ..... not that it hasn't been tough on her too....maybe more so.
They say she will be out of the hospital in a week. Amazing!!!  Isn't it amazing what they can do? Yes, you may pray for her; but, also pray for the family that had to lose someone in order to save her.
I do not know how long the operation will last. My plan is to drive to Dallas in a couple of hours after the sun has had a while to melt the ice on the Trinity bridge.  The Dallas area is encased in ice.   I know nothing else.
Short stone.  Since my brother has been isolated at the hospital, a kindly neighbor has been looking after his place and feeding his dogs and cats. The dogs remain inside the house while the cats roam the neighborhood looking for squirrels and rats.   I can only imagine the floor mess the dogs have created unless the kindly neighbor is cleaning up too. Anyway, with all the ice and junk, this neighbor has been walking over to take care of the animals. Imagine if you can.... she is elderly and uses a walker. I told bro that she needed a very special Christmas gift; he agreed. A walker on ice to feed yappy dogs. The pearly gates have opened up for that lady.

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