Saturday, July 7, 2012

Quickie - movie

Thanks to U.T. Johnny, my wife and I have an Apple TV box which allows us to watch Netflix as much as we want, whenever we wish.  It is really an interesting box. I know there are probably other TV boxes out there too.   I like this one.   I might point out that the box uses the HDMI cable which is plugged directly into the TV.  The the box communicates with my WiFi to get the movies - blogs - and lots of other stuff.
 Before the Box, we received one Netflix DVD at a time - averaged about 3 or so every 2 weeks.  When it came in the mail, that night (afternoon) it was watched immediately so "back into the mailbox" it could go.  We selected our list off the Netflix website via our computer.
The AppleTV Box eliminates that bit and Netflix costs the same - box or delivered DVD..  One problem I have with the box is the selection of movies process.  It was certainly easier to find DVDs on the computer to order for future watching.  There is probably a way to use the computer with this box too - probably should spend some time to figure it out.   Probably.
This evening we watched a pretty good older type movie - James Cagney was Admiral William Halsey running the war in the Pacific --  that would be  W W  II  for the novice reader.  Some of the movie was obviously hokey (maybe spelled hokie) but the story line was okay and James Cagney was true to his form. . . but he didn't dance or sing once.  Chester from Gunsmoke had a goodly part in the movie too.
What I enjoyed about the movie ---  THE  GALLANT  HOURS  ....   was the music.  From my college days, the great choral group to hear was the Roger Wagner Chorale.  They were fine.   My younger wipper-snapper readers who enjoy choral music, should watch this movie with the sound up.   It was good stuff.  As a band person, I missed that great opening march which accompany most war movies -  the Roger Wagner Chorale made up for it.   There is something about a Men's Choir that is stirring.  There were SATB songs too.  I really enjoyed the opening Men's Choir presentation.
The movie ended before I could figure out if we won the war.
Reminds me of a TV series years ago about the war in the Pacific.  The theme song was the Navy Hymn.  If I had been in the Navy, I would request that song to be sung at my funeral.  Maybe I still can....along with Carmina Burana & In The Mood & & &.
Final bit - in my stuff in the living room is the complete copy of the TV Series:  Victory At Sea  with all that great Richard Rogers music.  It is VHS, still wrapped up in its original packaging.  Never had opened them.
see ya

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