Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 dilemmas

2 dilemmas
part one: My dogs have been hunting in the garage. I didn't know what fer. Day before yesterday, I saw the backend of a mouse scurrying across the floor. A trip to H E B and 2 mousetraps. They are making them out of plastic now of course.
I set the traps w/ cheese--good cheese, not this cheapy stuff. Found a corner away from dog "huntings." Planted. Waited overnight.
Checked the traps this morning; no mice. No cheese either. The mouse took the cheese and left the traps un-sprung; yes, the mouse did both traps. Plastics!! Re-cheesed the two traps and have set them out. Last time. If this doesn't work, go somewhere else and buy traps; write nasty message to mousetrap company (yep, their web address is on the trap); and we shall try again. Stupid little beggard.
part two: I had a cover for my old motorhome. The MH was 34 ft long - the cover is the same plus front, back, and sides. When the old MH left us, I rolled the old cover up and put it outside on a trailer - At the time it was to be temporary because the cover's COVER (BAG) was in garage filled with boat life preservers.
time passed.
Day b4 yesterday, I got the energy to take care of the cover. unroll it, dry it out, re-roll it properly, put it in the bag.
Driveway. I started unrolling the cover to dry. It is invested with fire ants. What did I expect? Of course it was going to have spiders, crickets, and bugs (Oh my) - but not fire ants. I spread it out on the driveway using thick gloves and killing ants as I went.
I tried to wash them off with a hose. That didn't work. Too many nooks and crannies to catch them, and the little twirps can hang on under 5,000 lbs of water pressure. I spread the cover out to the best of my abilities. Last night it rained. The cover is wetter. Where did the ants go? into the nooks and crannies and under the tarp. Flipped it over; tried washing off more; stomped a bunch. I didn't make a dent.
My plan: leave it on driveway for afternoon heat. Turn it over in time. Turn it over again. Stomp. Wait. Stomp. Rotate. Give it up. Roll the little jerks up in the tarp and stuff in the bag. Strap it to the top of my car. Take it to Houston and find a place that can immerse it in poisonous liquid. Go from there to one of those automobile pressing places and have it squashed. Southwest of Houston is one of those Nuclear power plants - loan it to them for a month. Drag it behind a fishing trawler in the Gulf - preferably near a BP oil derrick. Book it on the next Chinese rocket ship. Hang it out to dry in outer space. Bring it home and repackage for further use - assuming the ants are gone.
open to suggestions.
Visit www.mikemetze.com when you can.
(Number 3 - is dilemma spelled:   delimma or dilemma? Naturally it is not spelled as it sounds.....trying this larger font one time just to see how it goes...see ya)

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