Saturday, September 26, 2020


It is the weekend again.  I seem to remember that there use to be 7 days in a week.  Now it seems like there are only 2 or 3.  Is this related to aging?  I'm afraid so.  I know that when I was teaching, I didn't think the weeks would ever end.  It just dragged on and on.  And, when I was a kid - how the weeks dragged before Christmas and my birthday.   Now, nothing drags except me.

As they have said, Time Flies.  

It seems my weeks have a few highlights (weekly highlights or monthly highlights).  Whatever.  The 15th of the month is when we give heart guard to the dogs and put on the flea/tick medicine.  I check my blood numbers on Wednesdays.   My wife gets her whopping oil check on the 25th.  My bank statements are usually here by the 17th so I can check  the bank account numbers - we do need to check the numbers monthly to make sure I have not made a stupid mistake.  I have made stupid mistakes in my bank book before.   I do my books on the 1st and 17th of every month.   A look-forwarded-to trip to the Canton Flea market came on the first full weekend of the month.  My water sprinklers work on Thursday and Sunday.   On the first of the month, I change my flags outside to match the month.  Christmas flags are indeed my favorites.  Our water bill comes on the 29th.

Here is a photo of my present flag flying out front.  One sided print.  Only $8 online.   I'm waiting for the neighborhood Liberal to egg my house.   Nah, they wouldn't do that.  Would they?


I take some magazines.  They each seem to come on a special day.  Start a new month - start a new flock of current magazines.   I don't know how, but I got on a list.  They send me offers where I can subscribe to a certain magazine for a year for $10.  This is a bargain.  When the magazine looks interesting enough, I might send them a ten spot.  I NEVER NEVER sign up for their automatic renewal plans.  Cheeeeee.  Many of the magazines send me renewal notices during the 1st month of delivery.  Then, on the 3rd month, I will get a renewal where:   i renew and they will send a free subscription (sometimes 2 or 3 subs) to the people of my choosing.  So, I can renew and send you a free year of reader's digest.

I have one magazine where my subscription runs out in 2023.  Hey, it was a bargain.

I have had an experience this week.  I learned something.  It will probably serve you no purpose; but, if it helps one poor soul...

I own this Gorilla Cart - it is a large one that we bought when we moved here in 2008.  The cart is valuable.  I move stuff all the time around here.  Whether it is dirt or rock or it is a bunch of branches headed for the wood pile, the list doesn't end.  It is a great cart.  About 5 or 6 years ago, I bent the handle and destroyed some tires.  I contacted Gorilla Cart online and got everything that I needed to move on.

About 2 weeks ago, I discovered one of the Gorilla Cart tires running flat - really flat.  Out came the air compressor and on went the nozzle.  It wouldn't air up.  Closer inspection showed the sidewalls had pulled away from the tread.  This is the death moan for a tube tire.  Where do you find / buy a 15 x 5.00-6 tire with an attached rim?  Not on my computer.   

A trip to town finally located a 15.x-6 tire and rim at Tractor Supply.  I bought the Gorilla Cart there; logical that TSC would have the replacement.  Logical.   It was expensive, but - my worldly view - well worth it to be done with the problem.  I proudly carted the new tire and rim to the house and sat on the garage floor to install.   Nope.  It wouldn't fit. The rim had a hole that was too big for the pipe axle; and, the entire rim was too wide.  The washer and nut would not fit on the axle.   Doomed.   Doomed.  Woe is me.

Epiphany came:   (you remember her, little short girl with green hair and freckles.)  An Epiphany.   I took the old tire and rim to town.  Sardis tire company cheerfully changed the new tire to the old rim.  It wasn't hard.   Only took $$$$.   Problem solved.   works.  no problem.   I spent too much on this whole thing.

What did I learn?   I should have returned to Gorilla Cart dot com and bought a tire from them.  They would have shipped me the whole shootin' match with a lot less trouble.  Sometimes, yes sometimes, living in the past and doing things like I always have - yes, yes, sometimes this costs me.   I'm starting to think I need to hire a life advisor - or a counselor at the least.   You never get too old to learn something once more.

So, here we are again at the end of the bloggy.  Y'all take care now.

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