Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't click on my tornado

couple things:

first of all, I just got a note from adsense-support@google.com If you are a religious reader of this blog, you know that I have suggested you click on the advertisements cause I make a penny when you do.  Their note says this breaks the rules; and, I won't get to have advertisements anymore.

Now, I ask....have you ever clicked on one of these advs?  do you know anyone who has?  do you know anyone who would want to?  And, to make matters worse, they are taking my profits from the past and returning to the advertisers.  

I have been doing this about a year and have never seen a penny.   Life will go on and on....
on the back porch.

Ratz, & I was going to become a millionaire.

#2  Here in Corsicana we have had two days and nights of storms.  My backyard is a swamp.  It won't quit raining.  Tornados:   We had two skirt our house to the north yesterday.  Tonight, there have been several, several.  According the TV radar, two of them passed right over our house or close  without touching down.  Another was seen near the airport about 2 miles south of here.   I spent some moments with the wife and dogs in a closet.  

Even in that small space,  Oscar and I played ball.    I tossed in the air and he'd jump to grab it.  Good dog.  Helped to lighten the mood.

and as I close, don't click on any advertisements - cause there shouldn't be any.  Sigh.

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