Trying the Verdana font today. Looks bold enough to these weary eyes.
The wife and I are moving up in society. The Corsicana Educational Foundation has sent us an official invitation to attend the (get this) C & B Seen Gala. Say it out loud. Nevermind. I'll help. See and Be Seen. Now isn't that cute? Wish I had thought of it when I was fund raising.
For those who don't know, an Educational Foundation is an organization established to get extra local money to school districts. I could have this wrong ( I don't ). When the great State of Texas began the Robin Hood financial mess to equalize funding from rich schools to poor schools, Foundations were born. Certain businesses were able to donate funds to Foundations and their tax liabilities went down - there were probably other formulas mixed into the scheme too.
So Company A owes $1 million in taxes. The rich district will have to give away $500,000 to poorer school districts. Company A gives a $400,000 donation to the local Foundation. The school district revises Company A's tax obligation to $500,000 cause they gave that $400,000 to the foundation. The $400K is funneled back to the local school through grants, and the schools don't have to give as much to poorer schools. A win- win as some might say.
O H S U R E, I may have the formulas all wrong and some other basic details, but, still, Foundations were created to manage local wealth and keep it at home. That's immaterial right now. More importantly, we have been invited to the C&B Seen - Royal Blue and Black & White Gala. For this honor we get to buy tickets for only $75 a person to attend. A fund raiser. Yes, it is.
We're not going. 1st of all, we don't even live in the Corsicana school district. We live in the Mildred ISD. Mildred is a nice little school set out here in the country. Maybe they will have a Gala too (that we won't attend either). 2nd-ly. We don't know these people. They don't know us. I can tell you: the official invitation was really a nice piece of art. Probably should frame it, and put it up in the hallway. Maybe if we went, we might get to know the folks. Yep, will think on it.
Money Money Money Money Money Money Makes the World Go Round The World Go Round The World Go Round Money Money Money Money
Etc. with apologies to the musical Cabaret.
Our phones are set to ring 3 times and go to recording. We don't know how it was set up, but it is. If we two are out-of-pocket when the phone goes off, we might not pick up in 3 rings - thus, the premise, leave a message. There are so many bad calls coming in here; we don't answer unless we know the folks.
So, Saturday night I was indisposed, and my wife was sitting in her luxury chair knitting. The phone is across the room; and, it rang. There was no way for her to throw down the knitting and make the phone. Let us review: I was indisposed. Upon my arrival in the L.R., I checked the phone to see who called. I won't give his name here, but it was another retired band man who I admire a great deal. He and his wife were excellent directors and had fine programs. No, I don't think he reads this bluggy.
I called him back. He asked me if I had just been I M -ing him on facebook. I M = Instant Messaging I have my IM turned off so I don't have to answer questions like, "Hi, how RU doing?" If they want to know they can call me. Anyways, I explained that I rarely go to facebook etc. He starts explaining that he has been talking to me for quite a while on his IM. I rolled my eyes. Sounds like a problem to me.
I asked him how much money I had asked him for. He explained it was the other way - me wanting to get him money. Right away that should have been a warning sign. Not wanting to be rude to me, he had a short conversation in which an email address was given to him .... i paraphrase here .... it seems that a govt. program had given me $150,000 and, while I was signing for the money, I saw his name on the government list.
I do want the $150,000 from the government. Honestly, I don't think the Nigerian govt. is really going to fulfill this dream. . . maybe it was Ghana, who knows?
I started the process of changing my facebook password - it was "Chowderhead" - now I changed it to "Turkeyface." Then, I wrote maybe 4 different messages on Facebook giving details. Different people wrote back immediately telling me their story of me contacting them. Same ole story. I got my money. Have you gotten yours? What I found interesting is that none of my family, close friends, or ex-students bought into the IM. It seems they could recognize immediately that I was not the writer.
They seemed to play along and lead the person on wild journeys. One talked to the guy about the good times we use to have in Altus, Okla. I have never been in Altus longer than an hour or so. Others did other things asking questions. I am proud of these folks.
Long Story Short ( too late ). It seems to have ended. Several friends have unfriended me - with my blessing, and I have de-friended several of them - with their blessing. What a drag. The only good that has come out of this is that many of my "friends" know that I am still alive and well. I had well over 50 messages directly to me and personal emails to me. I have reconnected with some folks that I thought had died.
Yes this clown impersonating me is a Moron. He cannot write a clear thought and his spelling lacks Americanization. He is a moron. Surely nobody in the entire World buys into this type of thing. Surely. I mean, c'mon, would you - with my prodding - go to a website and give them your bank information? If you are that gullible, would you mind just sending me some cash right now - wrap it up - parcel it out - cause you ain't gonna have it much longer any hooooo.
enough of that. I could go on for some time. I saved many of the comments from friends. Perhaps I should publish a few in the future.
Y'all take care now. Go to Facebook and up your security settings. And remember, get yourself a good password. Apparently "Chowderhead" is just too common.
p.s. throughout this writing, the word "facebook" was written in lower case. This is to show lack of respect.
A "STONE" is a family word for a personal story or thought, not quite an essay or short story. We moved to central Texas to be near a daughter. We are down to only one wirehair dachshund - Sadie. (Goodbye in 2021 to Oscar the ball boy and Bruno the larger twin) & my wife -- penned by a retired Texas H.S. band director - just nonsense thoughts unrelated to each other or anything other than what's happening and comments.
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