Thursday, July 25, 2024

Here we go!

 Several years ago a friend and I were camping in the great outdoors.  We had been out there about 2-3 days.  He liked to shoot rabbits and cook them over the open fire.  Rabbits really are not my favorite meat.

One day he was out hunting when he took a tumble down this ravine.  His gun went off and shot him in the shoulder.  It was a mess.  As it turned out, camping next to us was an old country doctor.  Luck was with us.

The old man decided that he had to get that bullet out right then and stop the bleeding.  His companion jumped in their car and drove to the entrance store and called an ambulance.  I stood around like a dummy.  I did unload the rifle.

Anyway, the old doctor had this leather thong around his neck.  We didn't have any anesthesia to knock the guy out.  The doc gave the the leather to my friend and instructed him to bite down hard on it - "Chew on it".

Everything worked out.  The ambulance came.  Friend went to the local hospital.   He did get a bit of infection in the wound - after all we weren't really in sterile surroundings.  It was what it was.

The next day I made it to the local hospital - plopped myself down in the chair beside the bed - and - asked him how he was doing. 

He responded, "The thong has ended, but the malady lingers on."


In today's Temple paper I read that the guy who is believed to have invented

"auto-correct" has died.  Sad.  May he restroom in piece.


Speaking of someone famous who has died, I understand that the weatherman who invented the system of heat index temperature concept - anyway he passed on last June.   He was 83 years old - but he felt like 92.


My favorite groaner happened after the hurricane hit New Orleans a few years back. ?That was the one where people were living in the football stadium  - and the dikes broke swamping much of the town.  That happens when you build below sea level.  Anyway, the TV news gal was interviewing different people.

She wanted to know how the neighborhoods looked - did the schools get messed up - and those type of questions.  Much moaning and groaning - as it should have been. The reporter asked this one heavy set lady, "What about churches?"  

The response: "I don't know much about that.  Most of my friends go to Popeyes."  I swear that is a true story.  It must be.  I found it on the internet.


Monday, July 15, 2024


 I wonder how all of this will play out - Trump being shot.  FYI:  I plan to vote for Trump when the time comes.  Now you know which side of the fence I am on.  Definitely I am not a "mugwump."  Look that one up if you don't remember it from H.S. history class.

There is something you see at times - in front of stores as advertisement.  It is the piece of cloth that is attached to a big blower and it flops back and forth.  The big tall tube man.  You can look these up on Amazon.  Tube men come in all sorts of different figures.  Santa, Halloween, Valentines, just colors like red/blue/ green, -- they flop about and get your attention.  I suppose some might think they were a bit spooky.

Not me.  I have bought a blower and an Uncle Sam Tube man - 10 ft tall.  They come in 5 ft, 8 ft., 10 foot, 20 foot (actually feet, just thought foot sounded more appropriate).

So we set the thing out front for the Fourth of July.   It flopped about and - I thought - look really cute.


Well, tonight I ordered a new one.  It is a Tube Man that looks like Trump.  When it arrives, I will put it out on an appropriate day.   Nobody will wonder what my affiliation is.  Trump flopping about in my front yard.  Of course, it could insult somebody.  Could.

On the news tonight, I heard that after the shooting, people were wearing the MAGA hats in San Francisco without being mugged.   There you go!!

more later, 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

quickie - instant ink

 I  bought a new HP printer last year.  It came with free ink which was to be mailed to me.  2-3 months later I got some ink.  And I am in a subscription program for more ink.  I haven't seen any since the first delivery.  I cannot believe this is a scam.  but I sure have wasted a lot of money (some money) on ink delivery that never comes.

Went to their website and issued a hundred or so complaints explaining I didn't understand the program.

I downgraded to their $1.49 a month plan.  Now I ask meself why I am doing that when I can get ink at walmart.   Apparently my printer needs to be connected to the wifi.  I thought it was.  It's not.

Can you read frustration here.  I was not raised with computers.  I don't want to spend my time learning. I just want to use the machine.

I'm through fussing.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Life is hard sometimes - another misc.

We have all had tough times.  Sometimes I wonder if mine are in retribution for some of the stupid things I've done in my life.  Opposite of "a reward."  Nevertheless, this cannot be true.  It's a bit conceited to think that all things everywhere happen because of me.  Am I the center of the Universe?

Let's say that one of my children has a car wreck.  That's on them.  It is not because I spit off a bridge when I was 37 yrs old and splattered the engineer's face on a passing train.  If I am to be punished for my stupidity / actions in the past, other people won't have to suffer.  That makes sense.  Karma !!  while it slaps me in the face, it shouldn't affect others.  Should it?  I'm not sure I really have faith in the Karma thing anyway.


Son Roger & wife Penney just returned from cruising the waters near Italy & Greece.  They sent back hundreds of photos.  I am so jealous.  What  a great trip.  Lesson to be learned, if you can find the money and time, take these adventures while you still can.  At 83, I have certain problems that interfere (and I'm not just talking money).  I believe my last big trip was to Lubbock to see a Granddot graduate from h.s.  It was worth the trip.


We've had a bit of a tough week around here.  My wife wouldn't like me talking about her; but, here goes a little bit.  Last Tuesday early afternoon she called out to me from her recliner.  I went.  She was sitting there just shaking.  Said she was cold.  I got her up and back in bed, covered.  She slowly regained her composure.  After much thinking, "we" took her to see our doctor.   He examined her and found nothing that might have caused the problem.  Yes, I think her brain had a temporary short circuit somehow.  Went home.

On Wed. I started to walk into the bedroom and there she was on the floor.  She had lost her balance and fell.  We talked.  She was wide awake and knew what was happening.  She had bumped the back of her head.  I checked and found a big knot back there.  It was a major project, but  I got her off the floor and into bed.  Then I called a daughter who hurried home from work.  We got the wheel chair out - loaded her in the car - and went to the E.R. in Temple arriving about 3:30 or 4, July 3rd.  

I was concerned about the head injury; the daughter was worried about a possible infection.  We were there for around 3 hours with some very nice doctors - nurses - other staff. My only complaint was a security guy at the front door that made me take my 1 1/2" pen knife back to my car.  I was dangerous.  Just doing his job.   He smiled anyway.

All sorts of blood tests and other liquids, Xray of head, neck, spine, hips.   Can't wait to see this bill.  She checked out with nothing broken but, yes, the daughter was right.  She had an infection.  After much to do, we left.  The wife was very unstable.  We had to lift her back into the car.   It was not pleasant at the time or when we got home.  It's not that she weighs a lot.  It is hard on me to pick up that much weight.

It was done.  Back in bed.  New pill taken.

I believe all old people are stubborn.  I am.  She is.  I had to pick her up off the floor 3 more times in the next 12 hours as she slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom.  She just WOULDN'T ask for help.  Still won't.   Her legs didn't work right.  We had several big dog beds on the floor so she never hit anything.

Long story short.  She has had her last pill.  Infection conquered.  She is moving - still a bit unstable at time.  We are making progress in the health world.  I hope none of you have to pick your wife up off the floor and back into bed.  I guess that is why I am here on this Earth right now.  I don't think it is Karma.  Logically, she has been a bit unhappy this week.  It's not her Karma.  She is close to perfect in her life.

I'll close.  Looking forward to what comes next.  Not really.


p.s.  I am a Republican.  Have been for several years.  I'm not a 100% Trump fan; but, I believe he is a lot better than the alternative.  Try to not get into politics here.  Just felt it was necessary to say.  Y'all take care now.

Post p.s.   If you are a regular to my world, you may have noticed that all advertisements are gone.  I thought they were distracting - ugly - U G L Y - you ain't got no alibi.  They were distracting and and and didn't seem to fit my world.  Maybe they'll return someday.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


 It is time for my Fetish report.

1st of all, all these years since I learned the word "Fetish" I have suffered under the wrong definition.  C'mon, you  have all been here with me.  You hear a word & put it in the vocab.  You blossom with the new found expressive word.  A word you use and never know you are wrong.  That's me here.   My wife one time started using a couple of common expressions (me too nice to recite them here).  After hearing one of them sprout from her mouth at church, I told her to quit using them.  I explained what they meant - or what "I thought they meant."  The expressions were gone.

That's where I am with Fetish.  I thought it meant you had a thing for a certain object.  Let's say:  chocolate milkshakes.   So I had a "Fetish" for "chocolate milkshakes."    A love for .. craving .. want .. you get the picture.  They are good.  Wendy's has that chocolate thing.  It is SOOOO good.   Then there are those DQ things which they turn upside down to show the thickness.  Yum is the word.

I don't get em anymore - the diabetes thing has thrown me off track.

Still, I thought that was the definition.  Wrong.  Aren't smart phones marvelous?  I was just thumbing through the thing a month or so ago, & saw the definition of fetish.  I was wrong.  You go look it up.  Apparently it has to do with that three letter word  (whisper softly)  S ...  E ..  X  I'm sure you have heard that word.  So if I had a fetish for chocolate milk shakes, it was in a (whisper again) sexish way.  That's a bit weird.  Can't say I know how to explain that any further.

I remember there was this movie about a black detective who would make out with a girl.   Then the sheet would come up and he would see her toes - all knotty and lumpy --- he would come unglued.  The fact that he was black has no bearing on this...I say that for the people who were offended by my use of the description.  Get a Life.  At the end of the movie he met a girl with beautiful toes.   Now, was that a foot/toe fetish?  I'm thinking so.   

Knee caps.  I've always felt there were no ugly knee caps.   Heels of the foot, real problems for some.   Noses, you knows it.    Chocolate shakes, think not. I'm not going to review my entire vocabulary list. Just learn to forgive me when I use some word or expression wrong.

A trombone player in one of my classes did something in bad taste.  I fussed at him.  He responded, "My bad."   I said, "Yes you are when you do something like this."  Wonder if I missed the definition on that one.   Use to say  daffi-nition for funny things.  He wasn't funny.  Jerk trombone player playing to the 17 yr old crowd.

Moving on.

Hope you had a fun 4th.  I was a tad bit disappointed when my neighbors to the north failed to put on a firework display this year.  Guess they went somewhere else.  I wasn't invited.

later, M3  

Sunday, June 23, 2024

LOST asleep

 I woke the other morning actually remembering my dream.  That happens rarely.  Normally, I remember for a moment, and, then, whammo, it's gone.    Do you like that "whammo?"  I thought it added just a bit of class.

So I was driving down hwy 95  = no wait, hwy 59, headed home.  Daylight.  I pulled into this small town.  Suddenly I wasn't on 59 anymore.  Apparently I had missed my turn.  Where and when?  I didn't know.  In real life, I would have made the U-turn and gone looking.  But, this is a dream.  I stopped the car and got out.  I'll ask someone.  The street had sorta hit a dead-in.  IN front of me was a business.  I opened the door and entered.

down the hall!!!!  There was a desk   - make that cluttered desk with nobody around.  I backed up a couple of steps into the hall & there was another to the right.  I went into another office.  Nobody's home.  I passed through and ended up on a front porch.  There were cars driving by and a couple people sitting on the porch.

I figured to ask questions.  Remember this is a dream.  I asked and nobody really answered.  I walked off the porch towards the street.  Cars were passing.  In the distance I could hear and eventually see lots of cars on another street - big trucks too.  I figured this must be 59.  So I started walking towards it.  In real life, I might have driven my car; but noooooooo.  Before I could get to the hwy I had to climb down a enormous pile of big boulders.  As I did, a path opened up.

I was lost.  I had no idea how to find my car.  There was no Hwy 59.  People walked past me as if I didn't exist.  I was lost and had no idea what to do.

I'll tell  you what it made me think of  (bad English sentence structure).  You hear of old people who have dementia getting lost - walking off and not knowing how to find home.  They just keep going.  No money. No food.  No help.  Just lost.  Where was my car?  Where was Hwy 59.  I had no idea.  I just kept walking until.....

I woke up.

The dream really bothered me.  You might say it scared me a bit - not for myself, but some other people I know who have touches of dementia.  Recently there was an elderly gent in Belton who always went walking in the afternoon.  He had a route.  It was not long.  He'd be gone for a half hour or so.  Then, one day he did not return.  A few days later he was found dead beside the local creek.  Lost and dead.

The dream bothered me.   Maybe it was the chili and beans I had as a snack before bedtime.  I do love chili and beans.

See ya guys around.


p.s.  I added the Adsense to my blog to see how rich I could become.  I have removed it.  I didn't like the way it made the blog look and feel  I don't need money that bad.  Maybe I'll ad it back someday.  Just not this week......

Friday, June 14, 2024

seal & rock

 My promised bluggy on Fetishes will have to wait.

a quickie instead (or is THAT a fetish)

Our housing development - for 2 days - has experience road work.  I appreciate what they are doing and will never complain about the work.

They are putting a sealant on our roads - looks a bit like oil to me - and covering it with a layer of gravel.  They say, "we'll be back in a week to sweep up all the extra rock."  Meanwhile, slow down and don't throw rocks into your neighbor's windshield.  


For a normal household, this is a nothing.  But, if you have DOGS!!!!  it is an adventure.  Our dogs are getting their heart rates up.  Every time a truck passes - a worker saunters by - a giant rock truck rumbles through the neighborhood.  Doesn't matter.  We gotta bark.  I think there is a country song with that title.  
My wife says it is a good thing I am deaf, because I can't hear all the noise.

I admit, my hearing aids are resting on the bathroom cabinet.  You do what you can do.   You don't fuss about what you can't fix (border issues included).   You are thankful when it is OVER!!!!

Now, at noon, the dogs are napping.  I'm guessing my wife is into her 2nd nap.  The roads are done.  They look beautiful.  The trash truck has come and gone.  All that is left is that neighbor yokel who walks his 3 big dogs about 4:30.  School is out, no buses till August.  All is well.

smiley face :)     
